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FamousDC’s Top 10 Favorite Things About the Nationals
The division leading Washington Nationals are on a tear and DC is rallying around the winning sports team. Over here at FamousDC, we thought it would be fun to list just a few of our favorite things about the Nats.
Read the top 10 list.
Recipe Round-Up: Fun Eats
Photo credit: Adrianna It’s sunny and gorgeous outside — summertime is beckoning. It’s the time of year when everything is lively and fun. Share these bites with friends on a roof deck overlooking the city or in the leafy park down the street. This is the kind of food that …
George Clooney Loves C-SPAN
Howard Mortman must be very happy this morning. Clooney and Boies skipped to the next subject: Their love of watching CSPAN. “I’m not talking about watching it constantly on a loop, because that would put you to sleep,” Clooney said. “You have to pick your spots.” “Like the House of …
Dear New Media Strategies: Are You Hiring?
If there is a company [of their size] out there that knows how to have more funny , we’d like to know. We hear their Facebook fan page is outrageous.