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The loss—the GOP’s fifth in a row and their worst in over 85 years—proved so frustrating that some members asked Speaker of the House John Boehner to fire Barton, who has been a part of the game for 28 years. “Where has there been a shortstop that didn’t bat?” asks …

Check out Painted Palms at the Black Cat Backstage with Saint Pepsi on Tuesday June 17th. Whether living four states away or four blocks away, Reese Donohue and Christopher Prudhomme have always used the Internet — at first out of necessity, later out of preference — to collaborate on their …

Enjoy this post from the FamousDC vault. You know the subject matter well. For many offices, the summer intern hunting season is officially over.  This means it is time to gawk, chortle, snicker and generally decry some of the more…special applicants that came through this year. Let it be known, …

This is a cool tilt-shift video of a D.C. It makes ours a little, teeny, tiny, itty, bitty, little, tiny city.

After two weeks of sporadic glitches with the Washington Monument’s lone elevator, National Park Service leaders are dispelling rumors of  elevator “free falls” and reassuring employees that the machinery is safe to operate. “I have been assured by experts we have called in to diagnose why the elevator has experienced stoppages …

DC is a confusing city sometimes, especially if you’re driving. We could imagine all these on the same street corner. Jim Havard captured this striking photo of an interesting group of signs in a tunnel.

#NATIONAL Will Kanye West play only Kanye West songs at his wedding?; #SnowdenSelfie; Umm … Tennessee?; Rent or buy?; Glassholes strike again; Donkeys have BFFs; stock up on garlic oil for your usual swampy summer; Will Ferrell/RCP drum-off; Vintage drum-off h/t Mike Dankler; Pretend you’re in college again and get …

Good weather, a GI film festival, free DJ set, patriotic concerts, Summerfests & community markets. This weekend is awesome-bound.

Grace Ma captured this incredible view of a stormcloud-surrounded U.S. Capitol building. Make what metaphors you wish about stormclouds over the Capitol, this is an awesome photo.

Russia is threatening [to mess with America’s GPS] District Flea closing indefinitely [hipsters everywhere feel a disturbance] Bill Clinton can see [what’s inside your heart] RIP “Alien” creator and nightmare dreamer [H.R. Giger] We collectively suck [as a driving population] VA teen kicked out of prom [because dads were ogling …

The Councilwoman got her digs into DC’s local politics with her annual budget spoof letter. She proposes millions for a new class of “SuperDuperCans” that would be large enough to fit old trash receptacles inside. “The SuperDuperCans will be distributed on alternate trash days, and the old cans will certainly …

Carnegie Library is a great scene. Cocktails are always welcomed on a Friday night. Selfies were all the rage over WHCD 2014.

Game on: The lineup for Members vs. Press (aka the 2014 Congressional Women’s Softball Game) has just been announced. Full roster below. Get your tickets for the Wednesday, June 18, 2014 game at 7PM. It’s always a blast, and ticket money goes to a good cause: benefiting the Young Survival …

Cinco de Mayo [margarita prices] Mirror, mirror on the wall [which rap artist has the largest vocabulary of them all?] Are you single? Do you make $100-200k? [we have the perfect 400 square foot studio for you] The running of the chihuahuas [this is really actually a thing] Building collapses …

#NATIONAL The pollen vortex is here; kids these days; Rob Ford- c’mon man; Godzilla is too fat; “What is a photocopier?”; wearable tech: a gun that needs a watch to fire; we’re entering a post-antibiotic era so see y’all later; mint juleps, anyone?; this joke about May never gets old; …