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Nathan Imperiale might not be getting younger, but he’s still our favorite boss. Happy Birthday, Nathan. Enjoy your big day!

In typical DC fashion, this month was hawt– and we’re not just talking body temps here. In one month alone we celebrated another year of independence, the return of Pikachu thanks to Pokemon Go, and the formal nomination of two presidential candidates: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. And yes, we double checked …

If you’ve ever ridden in an Uber, you know you can rate the driver. Five stars = the ride was efficient and enjoyable. One star = get this driver off the road immediately.  And like any good power-hungry Washingtonian, we salivate at the idea of getting to mark our opinion …

THE FOLLOWING IS A WORK OF PURE SATIRE AND HAS NO RELATIONSHIP WITH ANY FACET OF TRUTH. BUT YOU SHOULD READ IT ANYWAY BECAUSE WOULDN’T IT BE FUNNY IF IT WAS TRUE?  Central Intelligence Agency head John Brennan is the latest government official to see their email account hacked. Apparently …

Paul Ryan made a few demands of the House Republican caucus when extending his offer to run for Speaker, including being granted family time, rules changes, and that the party unify before his election. Here are some more of the things Paul Ryan wants if he agrees to be second …

Welcome to Famous Feedback. We asked the folks that live and run this city a question and compiled the responses. In light of recess putting half the city on vacation (not really, but you know) we thought it would be fun to see what district dwellers love about August recess …

Capitol Hill Style, a fashion blog for professional women, celebrates its seventh birthday today. Born out of restlessness during an uneventful August recesses, “Belle” became inspired to create a blog for women who want to dress for success without sacrificing personal style. Notes of feminism appear throughout the blog, as Belle addresses …

IJReview has been teasing the world with a big announcement, releasing vines throughout the day that indicate some exciting changes in their newsroom. Well, IJReview is just down the street from us, and in true nosey-neighbor fashion, we decided to track down exactly what the inconspicuous excitement is all about. (They were happy to …

Contributed and authored by: Allie Erenbaum, a media and marketing student at American University. Instagram is a unique and diverse platform to find inspiration. Professional and amateur photographers get the chance to tell a visual story through the photos they’ve taken. The following account are just a few of the many …

So- we went to Cleveland, and threw an epic party. We’d like to say a very special thank you to GOPAC Education Fund and American Freedom Builders for allowing us to partner with them for this awesome event. The night would not have been possible without their incredibly generous support. …

What happens when FamousDC and members of Congress get together on Snapchat? Pure unadulterated magic. To land your congressional interview with FamousDC, email and follow @TheFamousDC on Snapchat.   Related Links: DC Story Makes Snapchat Debut Snapchat Lunch and Learn with Rob Saliterman Exclusive Snapchat Interview with Congressman Will Hurd …

When Brits start defending D.C. and the city’s ironic lack of rights and representation though it is the most powerful space in the country- the outcome is bloody brilliant. In the wake of Jon Stewart’s departure, his British mentee, John Oliver takes on the role of comedically discussing America’s dynamic issues.

Thanks to everyone who joined us at Stanton & Greene for the Capital Summer Happy Hour! We sipped spiked lemonade in style as over 200 of DC’s best and brightest got together for a famously awesome night. A very special thanks to our generous sponsor, the Washington Examiner, who made the night possible.

Yesterday, DC made its Snapchat debut with it’s very own Washington DC live story event. What does that mean? Snapchat uses geofencing so that users in the District can take photos and videos within the app and choose to upload them to the Washington DC “story” which is visible to the …

Grab a boot at Dacha Beer Garden Dacha Beer Garden is your “go-to” outdoor bar in the Shaw area. Rain or shine, this unique beer loving bar is always serving. They carry a vast array of German, Belgium, and American brews along with wines, ciders, and meads. Dacha welcomes people and …