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Famously Tweeted: Kagan Mania
This is funny: NorahODonnell I ate spaghetti w a spoon last night to prepare for todays Kagan hearings. If you’re not, you should be following Norah on Twitter.
Famously Tweeted: We. Struck. Gold.
There are better ways to spend money. [Walmart] @shiratoeplitz: Found a $13K tab to preppy clothing store Vineyard Vines while searching soon-to-be-ex-Rep. Mollohan’s FEC report #mountaineerclothing? Correction: There are MUCH better ways to spend money.
Famously Tweeted: Were You Looking for Mary Katherine Ham Yesterday?
Mary Katherine Ham reveals why she was MIA yesterday: MKHammer: So, I’ve been at Voyeur all day. What’d I miss? Well played.
Famously Tweeted: Damp Pants
Depends on who you ask… @anamariecox: Surprise appearance by Dick Cheney at CPAC has attendees waterboarding their pants. h/t drjjoyner
Famously Tweeted: Groundhog Day
Some of the top tweets of the day: @MichaelTurk US Senate sees its shadow, will return for six more years of screwing America. #groundhogday @pourmecoffee Imma let you finish Groundhog, but Al Roker is the greatest weatherman of all-time! @almacy Happy Groundhog Day! Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and then …
Famously Tweeted: Wolf Man
We couldn’t agree more: @aford: best quote: “Wolf Blitzer, is so hot. So much beard – so little man.” Do you have a tweet worth sharing? Email us at
Famously Tweeted: Clinton Portis Congratulates Tiger Woods
Clinton Portis on Tiger Woods: "If he can balance 14 and keep it a secret, congrats." He continued: "You know, I’m gonna have temptations. If I find the temptation worth fulfilling, I’m gonna fill my temptation." Good to know Tiger still has fans. via Dan Steinberg’s Twitter Feed Washington Post: …
Famously Tweeted: The Strangest Pop Up Ad Ever
We’ve seen some strange pop-up ads, but this takes the cake. via nickschaper