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Closet Time: Hyper Hill
Did anyone think this through? [closet] Your DC cab ride just got more expensive [fuel charge] Hey Harbath, is this true [Gibbs to Facebook?] Blossoms are safe [construction project] Redistricting game [DC] Majority Leader Cantor welcomes #VCU Coach Shaka Smart back to Richmond after #finalfour berth [h/t Dayspring]
Shades of Green: Hyper Hill
Charlie Sheen beats Palin in latest independent poll [winning] Here’s a headline you’ve likely been trying to avoid [Helen Thomas Turns Up in Playboy] How’s your bracket looking? [NCAA] Guiness-flavored margaritas [perhaps] Pizza No. 17 [now open] Unsuck Metro reflects on Japan [personal] Don Seymour’s tweet get’s posterized in Roll …
Chocolate Hangover: Hyper Hill
Exclusive: Madeleine Albright playing drums last night at the Kennedy Center [jams] There’s nothing funny about this, except for the fact that it’s funny [400 pound shoplifter] The Sports Illustrated Swim Suit Edition cover has been released [Hawaii] Computers aren’t smarter than us [yet] Sweet Valentine’s Video for Rep. Giffords …
Closing Bell: Golden Globe Moment
Our friends at NextRound sum up last night’s Golden Globe Awards: As you may be aware, the 67th annual Golden Globe Awards took place last night. I was somewhat intoxicated, but I think my favorite moment was when Nate Kaeding won the award for sh*ttiest kicker. Better luck next year …
Hyper Hill
This kid deserves a lollipop [hero] Are we really already talking about this? [make it stop] The Dan Ronayne Diet [bacon] We doubt there will be anything from Ikea [tough economic times?]
Pelosi’s Laugh, No Laughing Matter
Warning: We watched this video and it scared the crap out of us, so there’s no doubt the children flanking Speaker Pelosi are going to need therapy for years to come.
Triple Sevens = Good Luck, Right?
We feel like today is a lucky day for FDC. We now have 777 Twitter friends. But why stop there? Join us. And don’t forget to keep the tips rolling in today by sending to
FamousDC Question of the Day
Does “good” news like this chap your ass like it does ours? [surcharges suck]
Happy Thursday
Lots of FamousDC readers are making calls and knocking on doors on the campaign trail, but we still have an update to go with your morning coffee. The Barack Obama special provided inspiration, but everyone wasn’t convinced. Oh, and Philly is still being obnoxio. Enjoy the coffee.
Happy Wednesday Morning
Happy Wednesday morning. Who broke a heel last night? Anyone get fired up in Cleveland Park? Isn’t campaigning for Congress supposed to be tough?
Tuesday Morning
As you enjoy your morning coffee just think … tomorrow will be the last presidential debate of this election (and SNL will go back to a world of suck). A few links to enjoy as you kill time and avoid bailout meetings: You too could win the next Publisher’s clearing …
Repetition is the Key to Success
So pardon if we’re repeating ourselves, but… We’ve cranked up the FamousDC Twitter machine and we have all RNC convention gossip you’ll ever need. Go ahead, sign up for the FamousDC #rnc08 alerts. We promise it won’t hurt.
Twitter or Die Tryin #RNC08
The FamousDC Twitter machine will fire up again for the RNC convention. We had one regular contributor in Denver and we will have two in Minneapolis/Saint Paul. You can sign up for our alerts here. If you’re heading to the convention and would like to contribute, please email FamousDC–AT– We …
Hyper Hill
Follow us on the ole Twitter machine [Tweets] Terrible sitcom [re-runs] Ace all stoked about the Alaska primaries [bastards]
Our Twitter Feed Is Straight Blazing
If you’re not on our Twitter page, then you haven’t heard what Craig from Craigslist said about Jon Stewart’s search history … join in