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Don’t Google That
Rick Santorum just dropped out of the presidential race. Back in the day, however (when he was still in the running) he showed up to our first pre-debate event in Cleveland, Ohio. Even further back in the day, the name “Santorum” was displaced by a neologism and instead of getting information …

Famous Birthday Wishes – Kathryn Lyons
Kathryn Lyons is awesome. You may have heard of her. But in addition to being the new Managing Editor of FamousDC, she has a few other awesome things going for her as well. Number one most awesome thing being: today is her birthday. Please join us in wishing the newest …

Geoff Embler: Growing A Beard Is Like Being Pregnant
From his first-ever standup appearance, Geoff Embler says growing a beard is the closest thing a man experiences to being pregnant. Geoff followed his dreams and braved the main stage at Standup Studios Showcase, The Electric Maid, Washington, DC on Jan. 30, 2016. When he’s not performing live, Geoff is …

EXCLUSIVE Interview with the Donald
It was really terrific Donald Trump is refusing to attend tonight’s Republican Presidential debate, the last before the Iowa caucuses, because of what he feels was “unfair” treatment by moderator Megyn Kelly back in August 2015. Donald was not too keen on some of the questions he was asked. Lucky …

Top 10 Worst Things About Working In A Congressional Office
If you work on Capitol Hill you see, hear, and overhear many things that the rest of the mortal world isn’t privy to. These privileged professionals that serve our US government acquire a wealth of knowledge that sometimes is just too good not to share. We’ve provided a platform on …

Famous Feedback: Storm Jonas
Welcome to Famous Feedback – where we ask the folks that live and run this city a question and compile the responses. In light of the recent blizzard that just passed through the city we asked the friends of FamousDC how they weathered Snowzilla. “It was a pleasant, peaceful experience – the …

Wednesday Grind
IT’S A BEAUTIFUL DAY TO RISE AND GRIND COFFEE QUOTE WEDNESDAY JAM Brought to you by Bryant Row. LCD Soundsystem is BACK, and who doesn’t love a good comeback? The NYC-based, punk rock-influenced, Talking Heads-sounding powerhouse whose short-spanned career nonetheless defined a unique hybrid sound of many decades prior kicks things off …

Snow Over It
If you have children, you might be noticing a trend in their relationship with snow. Day 1 is all fun and games. They’re yanking on your arm, begging you to go out and play with them in the snow. You’re exhausted. You might be hungover. But their little cherubic faces …

FamousDC Continues to Expand With New Video Series, Managing Editor
Kathryn Lyons joins from NBC News Washington, DC – FamousDC today named Kathryn Lyons as Managing Editor of the growing media company. In this new role, Kathryn will launch a brand new video series and oversee all content. Kathryn and the FamousDC video series, like all FamousDC content, will provide …

How To Use Blizzard Jonas As An Excuse All Week
We know how it goes, you hear about a storm coming and you make a long list of lofty goals to accomplish during your hibernation period. And then before you know it, the frenzy passes and it’s Monday again *cue groans*. …but depending on how you look at the glass, …

How F*cked Are DC Road Conditions
A general overview of DC’s road conditions, brought to you straight from the FamousDC news desk. General road conditions Not so great. From NW to SE, road conditions seem to get worse. DC got up to 30 inches of snow this weekend and most of that is still on the roads …

Famous Friday Round Up
FAMOUS FRIDAY ROUND UP #WEEKEND Weather: Clear skies and sunny! Enjoy the weekend weather and make sure your plants have lots of water outside in the sun. Be sure to use a minimum of 30 SPF – this weekend is going to be one of the most gorgeous on record! For additional …

FamousDC Grows Team; Adds Capabilities
Washington, D.C. – FamousDC today announced the addition and promotion of several team members. The media company will continue to grow its audience, while also rapidly expanding its event production capabilities around the country. “At FamousDC we are successful because we engage and connect with our audience,” said Amos Snead, Co-Founder, FamousDC. …

Through the Lens of Kevin Wolf
Arlington photographer, Kevin Wolf captures a stunning black and white moment described as “shutter drag fun on moving sidewalk” in the National Gallery of Art.