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Tornado on I-95 [look out] TBD dubs Emily Miller “Twitter King” [solid] Halloween costume advice [Capitol Hill Style] Obama to dedicate MLK memorial [history] Herman Cain’s Sim City problem [9-9-9] By Lane 4 Imaging

Obama is heart broken [about the NBA season] Did Rick Perry post a pic of himself in running shorts? [appears he did] BTW, it’s bacon week [sizzle] What should happen to RFK? [occupy RFK] Remy crushes it again [video]

Scott Brown gets a run for his money [out done] NBA cancels season [brick] Joe the Plumber is running for Congress [not a joke] National Cathedral earthquake repairs to take 10-years [damaged] Fear Factory [what scared looks like]

Luke Marchant retired Black Death, Ryan Howell celebrated his birth, Winston Lord & Venga are straight crushing it, RIP Steve Jobs, looking for something to do this weekend?, Congratulations to Don and Shannon McGahn on your baby boy, Lauren Pratapas, you ride’s here, part 58, Fantasy Football Week 4, Did …

What’s the government’s credit score? [video] All you need to know about Taste of DC [do it] Before you vote for me, buy my book [Cain] Occupy DC in full swing [photo op] Photo: Joshua Yospyn

Rubio says no [again and again] Quick, cheap trip to Africa [half billon] Emily Miller armed [and loaded] No Sarah P for President [shucks] He made this world a better place [RIP] Photo By Jhack❦

But can you dunk Mr. Klein? [Fixed] Newt has seen the Hangover seven times [yes, seven] Halloween ideas [be prepared] This isn’t on King St. [but we’ll take it]

Celeb sightings in DC [NBC] Someone hire Elle [southern girl] Skins game caller thinks they’re special [that’s nice] White House goes pink [breast cancer awareness]

Reid Wilson and Veronica Pecnik Wilson embrace in the Decatur House on H St., NW, on their wedding day Saturday, October 1, 2011.

Students kickin’ it big [DC Scores] Lookin’ good [Tamara] Dinner w/ Obama for $3 [relax, enjoy] View from the top of the Washington Monument [wow] Plot to blow up Pentagon, Capitol foiled [under cover] ICYMI [the greatest Rick Perry video thus far, and perhaps ever]

Herman takes the lead [shock poll] Totally worth it? [shame vs. proud] Engineers rappel down Washington Monument [scary] Biking in dense cities could hurt your health [say it ain’t so] Hot lanes on I-95? [would they work?] courtesy of ‘oddlittlebird.’

FDC graphic designer Joanna, sports her Beltway Celebrity t-shirt on top of Mt. Bierstadt near Denver, CO. Want a FamousDC t-shirt of your own? We can make that happen. They go on sale soon.

Name chosen for red panda cub [National Zoo] Washington’s healthiest employers [trim the fat] What would DC look like if it never split up? [interesting factoids] Can the Skins Win? [Cowboys] D.C. bike hazards: [An illustrated guide]

Someecards summed up yesterday pretty well [Facebook] Levi talks about the Republican party forcing him to cut his mullet [shame] DC is one of the smoggiest [exhaust] Rangel to be honored [unveiling]