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Fall-ing for Instagram
The leaves are changing colors, the air is getting a bit more brisk and your local supermarket has swapped out their watermelon and popsicles for candy corn and cider, which can mean only one thing: fall is here. Gone are the days of having to edit out your sweat stains …

Leaf Your House To Do These Fall Activities
Even though it’s nearly 80 degrees today — and will be for the next couple weeks — fall is coming, we swear. Mother Nature clearly isn’t aware of the human calendar, because September 22 is the first day of fall, and it’s coming at us fast. Despite the fact that you …
Hyper Hill: Week’s End
So there was yesterday [scary] Subject of “This Town” didn’t read [the book] Buildings may rise [height restrictions] “Gravity” seems pretty good [review] Fall style [inspiration] Photo by John Sonderman
Hyper Hill: Painted On
Rebellion [speed camera graffiti] Twelve days till [fall] We aren’t riding the Metro [as much] Washington Redskins [loss] ESPN joins the trend: Washington DC [Not-the-Redskins] New DC United stadium [closer than ever] Photo by Andrew Bossi
Famous Friday [Round Up]
Red lines, Blurred lines, Drunk pick-up lines. Can we just enjoy this weekend? Officially time to say bye bye to white and hello to fall; Congrats girl, it’s a girl!; Read this right now, or die; Cheers to Jim Scuitto on the new CNN gig; FOOTBALL; Who spotted Gene Sperling …
Recipe Round-Up: Labor Day Simplicity
Although we still have three more weeks until fall, Labor Day is the symbolic end of summer for most of us. Schools are back in session, bosses return from beach houses, and white frocks and linen pants are packed away until next year. Celebrate waning summer days with light and fresh dishes that embody the best of the season’s bounty.
Photo credit: Heidi
Intern Hunting Season
For many offices, intern hunting season has officially begun–and no this is not like “wabbit season” in Looney Toons. It is the time of year most offices begin their fall intern searches. This means it is time to gawk, chortle, snicker and generally decry some of the more…special applicants. Let …
Cherry Blossoms in the Autumn.
For more of Angela’s images, check out her blog ( or follow her on twitter (@abpanphoto).
Famous 5: “Fallish” Things To Do This Holiday Weekend
October has long been my favorite month – summer turns to fall, the weather gets gloriously cooler, and things gets a little bit spookier from Halloween anticipation. But, the month also presents new opportunities for fun on the weekends. Because Columbus Day is upon us, which signals an extra day …
Attack Ad On Winter [Video]
Approved by Summer, paid for by Fall and Spring. [this will make you hate snow even more] h/t JS via TVGawker
It Feels Like Fall
It won’t last long, but the current temperature in DC is 69 degrees. It’ll likely be back at 96 degrees by Wednesday.