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Via Patrick Gavin’s Twitter account:  [settle] There’s a special place in hell 4 people who email via Facebook. Was regular email (u know the one listed on my page) not working out for u? Noted.

Last week we posted about the truth in advertising laws and how they should apply to profile pics. We’re writing this as friends. Friends who have noticed a disturbing and ultimately unproductive Facebook/Twitter practice: overweight/unattractive/old people using ancient or misleading photos as their profile pic. Look, we all want to …

FamousDC [facebook ]

We’ve all had freak out moments that inspired knee jerk reactions – everyone has – and in this economy it’s understandable.  But when a powerhouse like Facebook does it – that we don’t understand. We’re hoping Facebook’s latest knee jerk reaction is one that will be fixed before it is …

Twitter Madness [FDC ]

How many articles per day mention Facebook or Twitter? Peggy Orenstein : Growing Up On Facebook RELATED: FamousDC Facebook Accountability Venture

If you haven’t seen this yet, it’s worth the click. Julian Smith is to Facebook as Pat Leahy was to the Bush Administration .

Facebook Status Abuse #1: L is completely disgusted by her father. Who woulda thought?! This is usually about the time when we’d ask "what did he do?" But that’s what you want us to do, so we won’t. Facebok Status Abuse #2: Joe is or Joe is Stop …

Dear RNC, We’d like to formally endorse Phillip D. Blake for Jr. RNC Chairman.  We have no idea whether or not he’s actually qualified, but since he had the sack enough to create a Facebook Group begging for a job – we figured that was worthy of our endorsement. If …

We’re told that the Senate tubes are down.  This doesn’t bode well for those staffers who like to enterain us with their latest Facebook statuses.  Let’s hope they have Facebook via their mobile units.

The “Brain Fart of the Week” award goes to the Facebook legal team for hatching this terrible idea in the first place. h/t Santiago Leon

Was there anything in the stimulus bill that would make it illegal for people to tag old high school pictures of you on Facebook? If not, there should be. That sh*t just ain’t right. Seriously.

Open letter to Claire Suddath RE; Your latest Time article You are a genius.  Just when we thought we were the only ones who didn’t quite appreciate the social phenomenon that is Facebook, we read this. Thank you. Your recent article “25 Things I Didn’t Want to Know About You” …

We have no idea how we missed this, but apparently Patrick Gavin drives a scooter. From his Facebook page: Patrick Blind item: What dc glossy publisher almost took me out on my vespa just npow? Here’s to hoping that he wasn’t actually driving the scooter while he updated his Facebook …

Facebook update of the week: Doug Heye will be on The O’Reilly Factor at 8PM, even though he will be at the Neil Diamond concert.