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6 Other Things That Were Not in Secretary Clinton’s Office
During her testimony today before the congressional select committee investigating the Benghazi attacks, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton disclosed that she did not, in fact, have a computer in her office. We sought to find out what other items Secretary did not have in her State Department office. 1. A …
David Drucker Drops a Beat
David Drucker has a near 100% email open rate due to his addictive subject lines – something even Obama can’t claim. Just a few: Rhinestone Cowboy Mama Said Knock You Out Harry Kerry Trading Places Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself We agree with Fishbowl’s suggestion and only wish he …
Sanford And Sun: One Man’s Crusade For The Perfect Tan Line
We guess marriage is between a man, woman and somebody from Argentina … From Mark Sanford’s Inaugural Speech: [click] "In not my, but our collective hands, is held the promise of change." From Mark Sanford’s emails to his Argentian girlfriend: [click] "The erotic beauty of you holding yourself (or two …
Weed Smoking Martians Spamming Senate Employees
Apparently there are pretty “dope” tips coming from aliens living on Mars. Below is an IT security advisory sent to all Senate employees. We have received reports of an increase in malicious e-mail traffic from foreign networks to Senate users. These e-mail messages appear to come from major news organizations …