Posts Tagged
Election Day

Monthly Round Up: November
November had quite the share of epicness. From Election Day to a national day of eating until we can’t move, this month was filled with reasons to celebrate (read: drink). Before we dive into awkward holiday work parties, let’s take a look back. Monthly Round Ups: October | September | August …

Election Day 2016
It’s been one heck of an election year and there’s no doubting that win or lose, a lot of people have worked hard to get to this moment. From exhausting workdays to sleepless nights, the campaigns, media, and even volunteers have spent countless hours devoting their time to efforts they wholeheartedly believe …
Danny Devito’s Election Day Tweets: A One Hour Roller Coaster Of Emotion
We were jumping up and down ourselves at Danny DeVito’s live tweeting. Excitement
Happy Election Day
We hope you enjoy our favorite day of the year. Tune in to for real time Election Day madness updates.
Is Sporting the “I Voted” Sticker on Election Day, Like Wearing the Band T-shirt to a Concert?
It’s Election Day. We figured we’d hear something about it via Facebook and Twitter, but it’s been fairly quiet. [Who knew?]