Posts Tagged
Don Seymour

6/15 Friday Round Up: Leave work now to avoid traffic
#Weekend Awesome events: Ugh, who decided that 2 days are enough days in a weekend? Holler at us if you want to start a petition that grants us at least 4; In the meantime – Drink for Desks tonight at Stanton and Greene and support education in Malawi. BONUS: there will …

Morning Grid 9/08/16
FAMOUS FORECAST Fall isn’t here yet so stop getting your hopes up because temps are staying steady in the 90’s with rainless days ahead. THURSDAY JAM Brought to you by Don Seymour of Facebook. For me, a great throwback is basically anything I’d be excited to hear in a bar — or …
Seymour Says Goodbye to Capitol Hill, Heads to Facebook
One of Capitol Hill’s finest is leaving his job at the Speaker’s Office. Congratulations to Don Seymour on his new gig at Facebook.
While You’re Watching TV, Don Seymour is Working
This morning the Today Show did a segment on Capitol Hill staffers and their love of mobile devices. When producers showed an example of an iPhone and Blackberry in action, up popped an email from Don Seymour. Always working… h/t ML
Time Lapse: The 2011 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree
Job well done by the Speaker’s digital media team. [video]
Don Seymour Graces the New York Times Homepage
The pride of Nordonia High School and one of the nicest staffers on Capitol Hill is currently on the homepage of the New York Times. After Being Burned in ’08, Republicans Embrace Twitter Hard for ’12 At a daily meeting in Mr. Boehner’s office, the communications staff decides what they should …
Famous Friday [Round Up]
The media guide to protestors, Don Seymour is mostly happy he has a lawn, Emily Miller dubbed Twitter King by TBD, GoRemy is back, Mindy Finn declared she’s not with a horse, Rick Klein is BFF’s with Dale Murphy, Jen Crider hearts Cutler, DC top 5 wine bars, The demand …
Famous Birthday Wishes: Don Seymour
Photo by: Ryan Howell Be sure to tell the pride of Nordonia High School and one of the hardest working staffers on Capitol Hill, happy birthday today. After all, you only turn 25 once.
The First-Ever Gavel Exchange Via Facebook
Congress, now forcing you to pay attention at work, because they’re creeping on your Facebook feed. h/t MKHammer Congrats to Speaker staffer @DonSeymour for coming up with the Facebook live-stream idea. [h/t @nickschaper]