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CAVA’s Innovation Kitchen to Open in Shaw
CAVA is set to open its newest restaurant in Shaw tonight. This location will be CAVA’s Innovation Kitchen, a creative space where the brand will test new menu items and technology, and host community events. In celebration, the DC-born chain will offer free meals from 5pm-8pm on opening night. The rapidly expanding fast casual restaurant …
Seth Meyers Announced As 2011 WHCA Headliner
Mike Allen’s Playbook broke the news: “REALLY!?!” – White House Correspondents’ Association President David Jackson of USA Today and Vice President Caren Bohan of Reuters will announce today that the entertainer for the scholarship dinner on April 30 will be … SETH MEYERS, “Saturday Night Live” head writer, and anchor …
The $37,000 Question
In case you’re like us and have an extra $37,000 lying around – we were wondering what you might spend it on? A. Dinner with Sarah Palin [Alaskan salmon] B. A Harry Potter book [it does not fly] C. A haircut [just a trim] D. An iPhone [gold-plated apps] PS: …