Posts Tagged
DC Improv

Famous Five – Geoff Embler
Let’s be honest – DC could use some funny people. Geoff Embler is just that. He’s a public affairs professional by day and aspiring comedian by night. You can catch him telling jokes at comedy clubs around town, in the shower, or in front of his mirror. We chatted with …
Flip Orley Makes DC Laugh
Flip Orley’s comedy act kept the audience entranced, but not because they were under Orley’s hypnosis. FamousDC didn’t know what to expect from the hypnotist comedy show last night at DC Improv. However, after Flip answered our Famous 5 questions, it was only necessary to see his work on stage. …
Famous 5: Comedian Flip Orley
Meet Comedian Flip Orley. Meet Hypnotist Flip Orley. Flip was generous enough to answer a few questions about his show, an act that combines hypnotism and comedy. Be sure to grab your tickets as he’ll be in DC this weekend. 1. What is your favorite part of a performance? My …

Famous 5: Jeff Ross By: @ArtBochner
Jeff Ross is America’s Roastmaster General. And while that’s not a cabinet-level position, he’s still one famous dude. Which is why we were surprised he was able to find the time between hassling the Hoff and appearing on Letterman, Leno, Kimmel and Conan to e-sit down with me for a Famous 5 (Jeff …
Who’s the Funniest Celebrity in Washington?
Tonight 10 of “Washington’s D.C.’s highest profile figures” [who doesn’t love a good joke?] have volunteered [begged] to leave their cozy offices on Capitol Hill to try their hand at stand-up comedy. [hold on tight] It’s called Funniest Celebrity in Washington and it happens at the DC Improv. Contestants include: …