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Meet Jeff Sheely, co-founder of Urban Stems. He’s on a mission to bring on-demand happiness to everyone in the city, by bike. Read more about the mission, and how soon is too soon to send flowers after a date.

As if Rep. Paul Ryan, who’s giving the SOTU response tonight, needed anymore pressure. Related Note: Earlier today Rep. Eric Cantor invited Rep. Nancy Pelosi to sit next to him at the SOTU.  She declined, but only because she already had a date.

Biden recently said, “[I]t’s easy to be vice president, you don’t have to do anything. It’s like being the grandpa and not the parent. Yeah, that’s it!” He wasn’t kidding: [chew with your mouth closed] Vice President Joe Biden treated Republican Scott Brown of Massachusetts for a lunch at the …

Some gossip is just so delicious we can’t pass it up.  Below is an example. About a month ago, our friend the Pumpernickel, posted about a recent date she went on.  It seems as if the date went great, up until the point she found out which team he played …