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Public Affairs Council Honors Innovative Advocacy Work
The Public Affairs Council’s 2019 Advocacy Conference just wrapped and it turned out to be the most successful one yet! With over 400 professionals gathering in Key West, Floria – seeking both sunshine and inspiration – the conference offered a rewarding program and an opportunity to network with the sharpest …
NewME Accelerator Headed to the District
NewME Accelerator, a nationally recognized startup accelerator for minorities and women based in San Francisco, is hitting the road and headed right for the District! At their DC PopUp, an event that takes place over 3 nights, NewME will accelerate entrepreneurs through startup coaching, intense hands-on workshops, and even the …
Intersection of Politics and Branding Event at the W Hotel
Ever wonder…… Where exactly does politics and branding intersect? Why might political activists target your company, and what kind of problems could they cause? How can you engage with politically and socially conscious consumers to benefit your brand? What techniques familiar to politcal campaign veterans can benefit corporate communicators? How …
Famously Tweeted: Vegas, Baby
The Right Online Conference took place this past weekend in Las Vegas. Since we weren’t invited, we had to turn to Twitter to find out whether or not the conference was a success. Apparently it was: @joetaxpayer: I have recently been advised “the uglier the hooker, the better the drugs…” …
Budgets Are Overrated
We failed to break even with any of our childhood lemonade stands, so we’re the last people who should have an opinion about budgets — but we did find this video entertaining.
Day in the Life
Don’t let the recent Fox News fame fool you, Luke Hatzis is still one of us. He puts his pants on one leg at a time. And to prove it, we decided to dig a little deeper and show you the real Luke. For all the FamousDC fans who’ve emailed …
Hello, Goodbye
Ron Bonjean profiled in the Politico…. ….on the same day he announces his departure.