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What Kind of World Do You Want?
The World We Want wall comes to DC Friday, September 18 at 6 PM. 825 11th Street NE Washington DC 20002 The World We Want is a global movement dedicated to bringing self-reflection and expression to the masses. It comes in the form of an art installation and is starting conversations in …
The Power of Possibility and People
Kiruna 4-ever – How to Move a City? is a video capturing the process of an architectural project to physically relocate the city of Kiruna to a sustainable location before the destruction of the city by environmental pressures. Architects have traveled the globe to take part in this exceptional challenge. It …
Obama is on a Roll: What’s next?
President Barack Obama has had quite a week of accomplishment and nation altering achievements. Going forward from here, a plan for overtime pay for more American workers is being set into motion pending a formal announcement. Full details here.

FAMOUS RANT: Dear Uber, We Smell What You’re Up To
The Famous DC team loves us some Uber. Our team uses Uber multiple times a day every day. Uber in the morning, Uber in the evenin’, Uber at suppertime! Due to the fact that we fancy ourselves the ultimate DC Uber supporters, we feel entitled to rant about something: those …
David Catanese Loves the Flag
Thank you, Mr. Catanese. POLITICO’s David Catanese: Republican websites pledge allegiance to flag Wouldn’t it be weird if a politician portrayed the same idea via visual messaging over and over and over?
Drudge Battles the Blues
For a few minutes this morning, the Drudge Report tried out a new font color. If you blinked, you missed it.
Change You Can Photocopy
When it’s the gold standard in campaign websites, it’s no wonder foreign politicians want to steal it. [Xerox]
“Change” We Can Believe In
The staffers have spoken, and Longworth’s beloved Doris is back on the job. After rumors flew yesterday about Doris being a few dollars short on her register, it appears that cooler heads have prevailed. Now that’s “change” we can believe in. If only the actual Congress folk in charge on …
Ben Smith in the Bag
We should have seen this one coming. Politico’s Ben Smith was coaching Hillary on how to exit the race with grace pretty early and now he’s given us another example of how much of Team Obama supporter he is. Ben Smith: Obama Brings a Gun to a Knife Fight Obama …