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Oh, What A Night.
How’s your hangover? Ours is still kicking and we’re confident it will see us through the rest of the week. This past Saturday was the 2016 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, but the partying started well before the weekend and Sunday hangovers were nursed with more booze and brunch. It was the eighth and final …
An Open Letter to Andy Cohen
Dear Andy, Please tell us the rumors are true! FamousDC hears that Bravo is currently filming for the comeback season of Real Housewives of DC. Word on the street is that Bravo filmed yesterday at Equinox Bethesda and that all of the trainers had to sign an NDA. Now, apparently …
The Real Housewives of McLean
Yawn: Meet the “Real Housewives of DC.” “Real”, as in real boring… WaPo’s Reliable Source has the latest (photos) We’ve got a modeling agency owner, a socialite mom, an expat, a real estate agent and, well, Michaele Salahi. We’ve written about them only a kajillion times over the past year as …
Washington, D.Cougars
What was the story that took Washington by storm on Tuesday? Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court: Sonia Sotomayor? Nope. Georgetown Cougars. FishbowlDC: Reality Bites: Real Housewives of DC DCist: Horror: Here Come the Real Housewives of D.C. Newsweek: The Real Housewives of D.C. New York Times: ‘Real Housewives’ Takes …
Famous 5 Questions: Chef Spike [continued]
Yesterday we featured Part One of our interview with Capitol Hill’s newest celebrity and lot’s of you stopped by to check it out. Today, it’s time for the second part of our interview with Chef Spike, owner of Good Stuff Eatery. 1) If John McCain were to stop by, what …
Famous 5 Questions: Chef Spike
He’s the hottest celebrity on Capitol Hill right now- he also serves up some of the meanest burgers in town. His name is Chef Spike and you haven’t heard of him – you might consider leaving the crawl space in your mother’s basement. Spike Mendelsohn , a former contestant on …