Posts Tagged
bob novak
Novak Says Goodbye
From our friends at FishbowlDC: Boy, this has been a rough few months for Washington’s journalism community: Bob Novak is retiring, thanks to a dire prognosis of his brain tumor. Our thoughts are with him. Our thoughts are also with Mr. Novak and his family. UPDATE: This explain a lot…
Novak All Spun Up
It hasn’t been a great week for Bob. Yesterday he struck someone with his car and then claimed he had no idea he had done it. Now, just when Bob thought things couldn’t get worse, they do. Apparently Mr. Novak is taking some serious heat for misleading readers into thinking …
Hard Hitting News from JoMa and Frates
Politico: Novak cited after hitting pedestrian Check out Chris Frates getting in on the action – (nice suit!): Just asking – how many people aren’t going jogging tonight for fear of Bob Novak’s Corvette?
Breaking Bob Novak News
Robert D. Novak was cited after he hit a pedestrian with his black Corvette in downtown Washington D.C. Wednesday morning. [Go to Politico for more]