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Even after all of these years, he’s still got it. AP: White House uses Web against Drudge attack Love him or hate him …  Matt Drudge is still 100% effective and can move the media like Moses parting the Red Sea. Get your popcorn .

Obama thought the press coverage on last night’s beer summit was a bit ridiculous and we couldn’t agree more.  [drinking problem] At one point CNN split the screen into six windows in order to cover all the angles, literally. And then of course, Biden showed up – and the cable …

We know of at least one southern voter who will become an Obama supporter after watching this. Extreme C-SPAN: President Obama Stops for Lunch President Obama stopped at the Five Guys Restaurant and ordered a cheeseburger for himself and carry-out lunch for several others. He also spoke with several patrons …

Biden’s Teleprompter Joke

This is not a mere commentary on the looks of your current short list, as that would be shallow, and really isn’t worth getting into … yikes . But here are our top 10 reasons why you should select Kimberly for the high court: 10) She’s a Fox News host…thereby …

Brunch and the City: Obama’s Inauguration and why I missed it Brunch girl takes us along for her Inauguration celebration journey and even covers the Survivors of the Purple Tunnel of Doom. … For more pics – try here.

If you feelin like a pimp, go and brush your shoulders off…

Dear Andrew Malcolm, Welcome back from Mars.  We hope your fact finding mission was a success. After you acclimate yourself, can you do us a favor and explain as to why you love reporting on rumors?  And how exactly you came to explain that Hillary will step in for Biden, …

Senator Biden recently told the FDC Secretary of Agriculture that he “needs to work on his pecs.”  [really]

Both campaigns have done a good job trotting out their conventional wisdom picks: Romney for McCain Biden for Obama Did we just bite on another pump fake or are these the legit picks?

We hear… Biden just doubled his security detail. Is he the VP pick or is this another pump fake by the Dream Team Obama?