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Oil rig madness continues in the Gulf, Gindy had his mind blown, the name Earl just didn’t do it, need a new apartment in DC?, Ken Spain took on Hugh Hefner, congrats to Katie Hackett, why are there sharks in the Potomac?, Meghan McCain explained why she was fired by …

Suddenly, renting your place for $1,000 per night for the Obama Inauguration doesn’t seem so far-fetched. Heck, that could be a bargain. Pete Yost: Obama committee offers inauguration package at $50,000 The inauguration committee of President-elect Barack Obama, who vowed to change the way business is done in Washington, is …

Mara Lee: A Tough Initiation to D.C. Renting a place on a limited budget in the Washington area is already hard enough. Most young college grads can’t afford more than $1,000 a month, and even most basement apartments and studios cost more than that in the neighborhoods young people are …