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The Undefeated – ESPN’s newest platform focused on the intersection of race and sports – is finally seeing the light of day and, after several months of some turbulence, the light at the end of the tunnel. The Undefeated launched this morning to bring its audience stories of athleticism, altruism and inspiration from …

@Nickybones has a good point: [Gaddhafi/Qaddafi/Khadaffi] Every news org spells it their own way. UPDATE: We realized we weren’t the only ones asking the tough question? h/t Kurtz

So, the HOPE poster guy admitted he used an AP image to create his little masterpiece, which means the AP will likely get a nice little paycheck from him sometime soon. And we guess that means they can use that money to fund critical interviews like this one they did …

WEDNESDAY — AP: Obama’s stimulus package hinges on GOP vote THURSDAY —NY Times: House Passes Stimulus Plan Despite G.O.P. Opposition

You gotta tackle these things early. AP: Obama Eyes College Football Playoff

Maybe you should be a little nicer to that press secretary in your office. You know, the one that always seems to come in the meetings at the last second and then gets his name quoted next to some zinger in HOH. Yep, that guy. Looks like if he plays …

The blogosphere is on fire this morning over the recent news that the Associated Press wants to now charge bloggers a per word usage fee. G.E.N.I.U.S. So, which mental giant over at the dinosaur facility came up with this stroke of brilliance? The (cr)AP, who hasn’t quite joined the 21st …

Never seriously in the running, Warner’s press team spins his Senate run into “Warner takes self out of VP mix.” HAMPTON, Va. (AP) – Former Gov. Mark R. Warner on Saturday removed himself from consideration as a vice presidential running mate for Democrat Barack Obama. Yeah, his press team pulled …