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Famous Five – Del Ray Artist, Don Ripper
Don Ripper’s been painting for several years now. From class projects to portraits of his daughters, Don has made a name for himself in the District and surrounding DMV area. We just had one question – what came first? the art or the ‘stache?

Famous For DC: Port City Brewing Company
It was nearly a year ago that Port City Brewing Company won “Small Brewery of the Year” at the Great American Beer Festival in Denver. Today, we wonder how much longer they’ll qualify as “small”. Founded in 2011, the Alexandria based company is on track to produce 17,000 barrels of beer this year …

Kentucky Meets DC
The Kentucky Society of Washington certainly knows how to throw one hell of a party. This past weekend we attended the societies 35th annual Pre-Kentucky Derby party at River Farm in Alexandria for a day of mint juleps, sear sucker and bowties, silent auctions, extravagant hat competitions and so much …
PhRMA’s Lost Puppies Media Alerts Pay Off!
Thanks to PhRMA’s social media team, two lost puppies belonging to the EVP of Science & Regulatory Affairs at PhRMA were found and brought home this past Saturday morning. PhRMA’s EVP of Science & Regulatory Affairs had his car stolen in Alexandria with his two dogs in the back seat, …
Hyper Hill: What Season is it Now?
Sloth mom eats two of her newborn cubs [zoo saves third] NPR doesn’t like the name of the DC football team [either] José Andrés will be GW’s commencement speaker [Students: “Eh”] A visual history of colleges [that used to be in DC] Please please please don’t give me a ticket [- this …
Hyper Hill: Swaggy
Celebrate M.L.K. Day in DC [ideas] Vincent Gray leading in mayoral polls [what] Weather is fine now but wait till the weekend [snow?!?!] Jaime Fearer + Geoff Hatchard leave DC for SF [curmudgeonly] Alexandria may not have more [Confederate general street names] Bluejacket wants to open up to you [both …
Hyper Hill: Outer Ring
Shaw getting badass ice skating rink [Lake Shaw] Craft launched from DMV area orbiting [the moon] (presumably frog guts are also orbiting the moon) Future Alexandria hotel judged as [too big] Goodbye Anacostia Big Chair cafe [closing] Photo by Kevin Wolf
Michelle Obama Caught Shopping At America’s Target
Most DC residents only visit Virginia for one reason – a Target run at the Potomac Yards shopping center. The First Lady is no different. Yesterday, Michelle was caught picking up a few must have items from the popular super store. Who caught her? Coincidentally enough, it was an AP …
Rain = Old Town Flooding
A few more inches of rain and that boat could’ve docked on King. St. h/t @jpiacenza
Does Old Town Flood Everytime It Rains?
On Tuesday morning we posted this picture. On Tuesday evening, things weren’t much better. They weren’t better this morning either. Photo credit: @fierce_pierce Tuesday evening Same corner, 12 hours later Question: How often does Starbucks on the corner of King St. and Union St. have to bail out their store?
Flooding Begins in NOVA
This shot was taken by @jpiacenza in Alexandria’s Old Town. This is one block from the Fish Market on Union St.
Famously Pictured: Spotted In Longworth
This flyer was spotted in the Longworth House office building. What’s funny isn’t the fact that Boyz to Men will be serenading folks in Alexandria, VA next week, it’s the chosen clip art that was used on the flyer. h/t JS
Alexandria’s Old Town Bracing for Impact
City officials in Alexandria’s Old Town are prepared for the worst. They’re not quite sure what the worst is, but according to a trailer full of sandbags, the sh*t might get bananas later today when the rain moves in. The trailer featured in the picture below is parked on the …
Alexandria, VA Named Most Romantic City In US
The science behind this ranking is fuzzy, but we’re proud of DC’s sister city. [love is in the air and the Potomac] Love is in the air. today announced its list of the Top 20 Most Romantic Cities in America. After compiling sales data of romance novels and relationship …
Local City Manager Calls It Quits
This is what happens when it snows too much. [we don’t blame him] The City of Alexandria announced the resignation of City Manager James Hartmann in a statement released to media just before the close of business Monday. In case you’re not quite convinced that his resignation has anything to …