Posts Tagged
air force one

What it Would Take to Sway Our Vote
As the Electoral College meets today to formally name our next President, there has been some controversy surrounding electors and people from both sides of the party line trying to sway them in another direction. So just in case anyone wanted to nominate FamousDC to be an elector in the next …
How the White House Silenced the Media
President Obama made it to Afghanistan without anyone knowing. But how? “After leaving the White House on Friday afternoon with the ‘cover’ of spending the weekend at Camp David, the presidential retreat, he flew from there by helicopter to the base on Saturday night to make the secret trip.” “Reporters …
Video: Obama’s First Flight on Air Force One
This is a pretty cool video of President Elect Obama’s first flight on Air Force One. And in case you were wondering how he likes his burgers – medium well with cheddar cheese.
FamousDC Cool Sites of the Day
National Geographic: On Board Air Force One and On Board Marine One As the nation prepares for the historic inauguration on January 20, 2009, the Presidential Airlift Group (PAG) also prepares for the momentous transition. In a single day, one man will take the reins as U.S. president for the …