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Why are we buying companies losing money by the minute? We want these. Diatribes by Joah President Obama: 5 Companies US Taxpayers Would Like to Own President Obama, We wanted to write you and see if you would consider buying into some American companies that we think would be sounder …

The AP’s Julie Hirschfeld Davis nails the Washington spin war we’re witnessing. Take a few minutes while you reheat your burrito at lunch and read this over.  Note: Remember to hold on, because you might just spin right out of your desk chair. SPIN METER : Cue the Washington outrage

How happy are you not to be AIG’s Edward Liddy today? [brutal] Chris Frates: Love is never having to say you lobby [Scarlet L ] Did Erick Erickson make David Shuster cry? [list serv stand off ] Chris Cillizza’s Cheat Sheet [Tucker Bounds update ]

Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley recently suggested that AIG executives should take a "Japanese approach" toward accepting responsibility for the collapse of the insurance giant by resigning or killing themselves. [that’s one approach] "But I would suggest the first thing that would make me feel a little bit better toward them …