Posts Tagged
abraham lincoln

Morning Grind 12.29.16
FAMOUS FORECAST It’s a bit rainy this morning in DC so hopefully ya’ll had your umbrellas for your morning commute, but those won’t be needed this afternoon because the sun will be making an appearance and temps are getting up to 50 degrees. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Yearly Round …

Morning Grind 12.01.16
FAMOUS FORECAST It’s officially December so we’re all beginning to wonder when the snow and low temps are going to move in. Well, that day isn’t today! Temps in the high 50’s with sunshine throughout the morning and afternoon, making this a beautiful fall day. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW …
Campaign Ads: Civil War Edition
Could Lincoln win re-election if attack ads existed way back then? did a series of 1864 reelection campaign commercials featuring typical campaign ad cliches. Videos from the “Anti-Lincoln Super Pac” are laughably bad, so we’re pretty sure Lincoln would win anyway. Check out the rest of these 1864 campaign …