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Chargers and Ravens football fans will enjoy this article by the Redskins All-Pro Tight End. Chris Cooley: Monday Morning Quarterback: Smart Football With Peter King on his annual four-week summer vacation, Redskins tight end Chris Cooley graciously agreed to write today’s Monday Morning Quarterback column. I was very excited to …

Loudoun Valley Vikings [Cooley ] Hand holding [where’s my cape? ] Cheating on Blogger [twitter ] Shake Hands [LeBron ] Metro [etiquette ]

Tanner Cooley doesn’t like negative comments

Tuesday is the new Thursday. What have we learned in the past 24 hours? Congress is really, really good at pointing fingers; not so good at passing bailouts … Time to start exploring new retirement options … Skins “jumped off” against the Cowboys … Things you don’t want on your …

ChrisCooley47: The beard winner revealed Jeff, the beard winner came out for practice today. He was nice enough to pose with the ladies and provide quite the interview with Christy. Hope it you had fun. Thanks!