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FamousDC 2012: Year In Review
Like all good blogs, media outlets, YouTube celebrities and list makers, we’ve jumped on the bandwagon and decided to take a look back at 2012. It was a big year for us; new look, new writers, more parties, more ducks, same great features, our always amazing readers and, of course, the best city to live and work in made these past 12 months an adventure. Here’s the FamousDC Top 20 in 2012.
Less Than One Week!
Hello all and welcome to the Ladies Who Lobby’s countdown to the election. Technically, this post was envisioned to mark one week left until election day–but there was this hurricane thing and we didn’t feel like it. Far too busy eating popcorn in our jammies. Is anyone else excited for …
Shira Toeplitz
Meet Shira Toeplitz.
Roll Call reporter Shira Toeplitz has been burning some rubber while covering some of the hotly contested Rust Belt races happening this election cycle. A seasoned election reporter, Toeplitz worked at POLITICO and National Journal before her tenure at Roll Call covering the redistricting and campaign trail. Luckily, Shira had time to catch up with FamousDC in between her coverage to give us a little insight to her newest project, Roll Call on the Road.
Barbara Bush Thinks It’s Been Dirty
Barbara Bush is not a fan of mud-slinging. Former first lady Barbara Bush on Monday criticized the political process and said she thinks the ongoing presidential campaign process has been the “worst” she’s ever seen. “I think it’s been the worst campaign I’ve ever seen in my life,” she said …
BREAKING: Some Campaign Reporters are Young
New York Times: Covering 2012, Youths on the Bus The journalists were mostly in their 20s, learning the basics: never get too close to a source; master the art of eating while driving; never rely on a hotel wake-up call.
Obama’s In, But What Does That Mean For His Girls?
Last time Barack Obama took a run at the White House, he promised his daughters a dog. Does 2012 come with the same kind of promise? PARADE: One of our readers said that she wanted to know from you “Have you discussed with Mr. Obama his plans to run for …
Happy Wednesday, Unless You’re George Lucas
We generally like to start the day off with some good news or a fun video, but today is a bit different because we just found out George Lucas thinks the world is going to end in 2012. [dude, too early] Funnyman Seth Rogen was left stunned by a recent …
Is Tommy McFly Running for President?
McFly 2012! @TommyMcFly Just gave two weeks at MIX 107.3 – It’s been a great 4 years!!! My next adventure starts soon, but don’t worry I’m not leaving Washington
Whatever You Do, Do Not Tell Lou Dobbs He Can’t Run For President
Lou Dobbs is not delusional – he’s awesome. [run Lou, run] Can Lou Dobbs make the leap from the anchor desk to the Oval Office? A radio interviewer on WTOP joked Monday about the "crazy" idea that the former CNN host could mount a White House bid in 2012 – …
Did T-Paw Just Kick Off the 2012 Race?
JoMa: Pawlenty preps 2012 campaign team And behind the scenes, he’s engaged in a far more subtle campaign against another possible presidential rival. … Pawlenty has been phoning aides and advisers to Romney’s 2008 campaign, ostensibly to introduce himself and solicit their advice. … One midlevel Romney aide who got …
Last Man Standing: Cantor 2012?
So long as members of his party continue to take trips to Argentina, some experts believe that Republican Rep. Eric Cantor might just have a chance in 2012. Cantor, who boasts one of the most seasoned staffs on Capitol Hill, recently shelled out some cash money for a few speech …
Republicans Still Think Twitter Matters. Also Believe in Santa Claus.
Apparently shaking hands and kissing babies is so 2008. Now it’s about making sure your blackberry has enough battery power left so you can live-tweet your local political meeting. The latest virtual tutorial comes from Saul Anuzis via his twitter feed: Showing RNC members how easy it is to post. …
A Country Boy Can Survive Quorum Calls
Are You Ready For Some Politics? Country music legend Hank Williams Jr., after consulting with Bill Frist and Sen. Lamar Alexander, has decided he will run for senate in 2012. [Family tradition] We can only hope this is true.