Search Result for “hyper hill”
Rainy Start: Hyper Hill
Libya [the Gamble] What the [twist] Next time, Diaz [chili] How to be a better blogger [Pho] Charlie Davies is amazing [two goals] And Happy Birthday to Ken Spain and Rosie O’Donnell [h/t Mike Allen]
Shades of Green: Hyper Hill
Charlie Sheen beats Palin in latest independent poll [winning] Here’s a headline you’ve likely been trying to avoid [Helen Thomas Turns Up in Playboy] How’s your bracket looking? [NCAA] Guiness-flavored margaritas [perhaps] Pizza No. 17 [now open] Unsuck Metro reflects on Japan [personal] Don Seymour’s tweet get’s posterized in Roll …
St. Patrick’s Day: Hyper Hill
Updates from Japan [March 17] Bachmann and Hannity vs. Weiner [heated] Sharron angles for a job [again] Does Cantor do the pot stirrers? [P90X] Mayor Gray finds a new chief [out with the old]
Half Full: Hyper Hill
I made a mistake, but it was the media’s fault [Bachmann] Rubio steps out [spotlight] Juan Williams sounds off [NPR] Pictures that won’t keep you in political office [photos] Hollywood doesn’t love Walker [idiot]
Too Soon: Hyper Hill
The latest [from Japan] Obama “investing” time playing golf [funny] Maddow tries hard [but just can’t keep up] O’Keefe explains [NPR] This should be interesting [B of A] The next Al Sharpton [Palin]
Finally Friday: Hyper Hill
Tragedy [Japan] Bristol’s new boyfriend is special [dude] Confessions of an iPhone idiot [Page] Not a bright young man [SF]
More Rain: Hyper Hill
Here’s your daily dose of flood watching [sandbags] Video kills the radio boss [NPR] Remember this guy [he wants to save the govt money] Great news [Metro cutting back on hours]
Fat Wednesday: Hyper Hill
He might have over-stayed his welcome [go to the Korner] Oh yeah [my bad] Freire to NMS [boom] Aggressive pup [chow time] It’s different when we do it [protest]
Mardi Gras: Hyper Hill
As if the sh*t wasn’t bananas enough [Sheen] Democrats vow to come back [drive] Portraits on the metro [WeLoveDC] Most stressful parent-teacher meeting ever [Obama] Local news good at scaring people about weather [flooding this time]
Happy Monday Morning: Hyper Hill
Washington is the only place where sound travels faster than light. – C. V. R. Thompson Obama is brewing his own beer [winning] Who doesn’t love high gas prices? [spike] Pat Gavin on a bike [game changer] Is there room for another cupcake place in DC [apparently yes] Old Spice commercial [behind …
Close Enough: Hyper Hill
Story Partners and NJI Media launch dashboard [NPF] What a f*cking great meeting [Rahm meets Rahm] Introducing the new iPad [Flo and the Machines] Stewart’s Epic Take Down [Gaddafi] Are the AU trick shots fake [hmm]
#Winning Wednesday: Hyper Hill
In case you’re not, you should [follow @charliesheen] Dear Huckabee: He didn’t grow up in Kenya [dude] TBD does what TBD does best [weather] Don’t be an ass [it’ll shorten your life] You Stupid M**** F**** [Queen Sheila] The BOOT set me up! [Marion Barry]
Funday: Hyper Hill
Say hello to the new “Like” button [Facebook] Weekend recap [stories you might have missed] Gaming Google [search results] The political food fight continues [ribs] Anger issues [Blatche] D.C. Cupcake begins second season [dish]
At Least It’s Friday: Hyper Hill
Tuesday he wins, Thursday he wins again [huh] Carney shakes things up [raise your hand] The Hangover Two [trailer] This went as well bad as you’d expect [Rummy vs. Stewart] NBC Washington dot com gets a redesign [fancy]
National Chili Day: Hyper Hill
How happy is Sara Diaz right now? [national chili day] TBD announces cuts [too bad dude] Ever wondered who makes movie sounds? [answer] Don’t pee on the seat [GRAPHIC] Democrat Tea Party moment [arrived] NMS: When is the chili contest?