Famous Five – Katy Ricalde

Few people can take a selfie, Tweet, Instagram and Snapchat… all at the same time. Katy Ricalde does it like it’s her job – because it is. Katy is the New Media Specialist for “Special Report with Bret Baier” which means not only does Katy advise Bret on which filter looks best …
FamousDC – May

Emily Miller Kimball Stroud Bob Brennan Dan Beeson Nika Nour Erik Huey Matt Dornic Marissa Mitrovich Fritz Brogan Brian Walsh
Famous Five – Emily Miller

She may look all cute and petite, but don’t let that fool you. The girl’s got guns – literally. Emily Miller is an unapologetic journalist and author of Emily Gets Her Gun, which chronicles her attempt (and eventual success) at obtaining a legally registered gun in DC, only after being a victim …
Famous Birthday: Katie Miller

Famous birthday wishes to one of our favorites, Katie Miller: friend to puppies everywhere, full of positivity, lover of peonies, and always willing to let us in on the joke. Wish Katie a happy birthday if you have a moment today!
The Year of Josh Shultz

This weekend marks the birthday of a man who is many things: Inspiration to many Director (really, look at this chair) Talented slogan writer Generous ice cream party thrower Believer in the best of humanity Texas A&M 12th Man in DC Driven entrepeneur (see also: FamousDC & NJI Media) Hilarious …
Mike Morrison is Famous for DC

When Mike Morrison isn’t busy digital media directing for AEA, he sits around, watches baseball, and gets famous. Casual. Yesterday while watching the Colorado Rockies play the Arizona Diamondbacks, Mike entertained Twitter with live updates of the game. Mark Reynolds making some excellent catches. Crazy defense from the Rockies — Mike Morrison …
Instagram Takeover – Jeremy Kirkpatrick

When life hands us a cheeseburger, we devour it. When life hands Jeremy Kirkpatrick a cheeseburger, he takes the time to enjoy the beauty of it first and then he shares it with the world. It is for this reason that Jeremy has a lot more friends than us. It …
FamousDC April

Bryant Hagen Lola Politi Finley Maye-Key Winston Snead Ernie Fimka Teddy Imperiale Macie Gress Indy Bauza Gauge Shultz Hamilton Porter
FamousDC Koozie Contest

Spring has sprung and summer is literally on it’s way. The weather is only getting warmer which begs the question, how are we going to keep our drinks cold? Well we have the answer for you and you’ll be relieved to know we’ve done all the hard work – FamousDC has …
In Full Bloom

Of course there’s something to be said about seeing these beautiful blossoms in person, but if you’re stuck in the office, or just don’t want to fight the crowds, Mike Lurie has done you an incredible service. Here are the legendary DC Cherry Blossoms
Two Debates. One Kick Ass Party.

We’re not sure what’s hotter: The Miami HEAT or our party at FIFTY. If you missed our event last night, it went a little something like this, but with less experienced break dancers. A big shoutout goes out to our headline sponsor, PhRMA who helped make this party happen. We would also like to thank our …
The Rat Pack is Back

There was a Sweet Sixteen in town and the guest of honor was Peter Mirijanian Public Affairs. PMPA celebrated its 16th anniversary of hard work and success the only way it knew how – with a party. The event took place last night at Teddy & The Bully Bar in Dupont Circle …
Washington Life Identifies the Young and the Talented of DC

Every year, Washington Life Magazine compiles a list of the young movers and shakers who are making names for themselves in the capital. For their eleventh annual list this year, they’ve highlighted over 300 of DC’s most talented folks under forty. Shawna Thomas, Daniel Lippman, Rebecca Berg, and Luke Russert – all …
Lawmakers And Lobbyists Duke It Out On The Ice

It’s that glorious time of year when lawmakers and lobbyists bring their rivalry to the ice at the annual Congressional Hockey Challenge. Though the charity-driven game is all in fun, tensions are sure to run high when dueling teams step into the rink. NHL celebrities are known to make an …
FamousDC Convenes with GOP in Houston

FamousDC traveled down South to convene presidential campaign staff, national media, and major influencers for another exclusive pre-debate event. We’ve been following the debate trail since last summer when America could hardly count all the candidates in the running, and now just five men will stand at tonight’s tenth GOP …
Man On A Mission

If there’s anyone the 2016 candidates could take a lesson from, it’s Patrick Gavin– He’s a guy who doesn’t give up. We know this, the Washington Post knows this and it’s only a matter of time until the rest of the world knows this and maybe, just maybe, he’ll soon be …
Welcome To the World, Anabelle Scout Gunasekara

The world is a crazy place, but infinitely more beautiful with you in it, Anabelle. Congrats to Surya, Mandy, and Rico Rhyder on welcoming a healthy new baby girl to the family.
FamousDC Well Represented in the McCarthy Office

The political team of House Majority Leader, Rep. Kevin McCarthy may have moved offices but the FamousDC sticker stayed. McCarthy’s Political Director, Freddy Barnes gave us a comment but didn’t hesitate to take a jab at good friend and Alabama football foe, Amos Snead, “Put the new FamousDC sticker on office mini-fridge because we love …
Famous Birthday Wishes – Kathryn Lyons

Kathryn Lyons is awesome. You may have heard of her. But in addition to being the new Managing Editor of FamousDC, she has a few other awesome things going for her as well. Number one most awesome thing being: today is her birthday. Please join us in wishing the newest …
Famous 5: Paul Brandus

Meet Paul Brandus, award-winning journalist and independent member of the White House press corps and the voice behind the West Wing Reports since 2009. Most recently, he authored the book, Under This Roof: A History of the White House and Presidency released this fall and is also a Washington columnist on economics and …
You Owe Erin Veltman A Gift

One of the most amazing ladies in the District turned 30 today. You of course remembered to get her a gift, right? Right? If not, here’s a photo of Erin, judging you. Aww, you’re right. She doesn’t look mad. Happy birthday Erin!