
  Kate Andersen Brower is a really good journalist – so good that she was able to turn her questions into two New York Times best sellers, The Residence and First Women. These two books take a close look into the private lives of America’s most public family – the First …

Nathan Imperiale might not be getting younger, but he’s still our favorite boss. Happy Birthday, Nathan. Enjoy your big day!

Some say that print is dead. Those people haven’t read our newspaper.

Our time in Vegas came to an end. The hype will live on.   Related: FamousDC – Miami     

 “My goal is to celebrate our similarities instead of our differences.” – Aniekan Udofia You might not know him by name, but you definitely recognize his work. Aniekan Udofia is a prominent DC street artist with many of his work visible in northwest D.C. The most iconic of these murals is …

Well America, it’s here – the first debate between the two most unpopular people in America, yet everyone and their neighbors will tune in to watch it. We don’t blame you though. After all, it is Monday and you probably started it off wrong so why not end it on a bad …

It’s time, America – time to turn our attention towards the candidates that we can TRUST. If the 2016 election is bringing you down, we have your solution. #FML2016 is coming.

It was nearly a year ago that Port City Brewing Company won “Small Brewery of the Year” at the Great American Beer Festival in Denver. Today, we wonder how much longer they’ll qualify as “small”. Founded in 2011, the Alexandria based company is on track to produce 17,000 barrels of beer this year …

Excuse us while we tend to our sweet tooth…  

It’s only Wednesday and we’re already tired of doing our adult duties. In other words, we literally can’t even adult anymore. So we did what we do best – bossed little kids around and made them do our job for us: wait in line at Rose’s Luxury, read the local newspaper and happy hour at Senart’s …

  We would’ve gone to Rio to compete, but who would we be to outshine team USA? That’d be rude. We did, however, treat ourselves as Olympians do with a little treatment known as cupping. We know what you’re thinking, “Old news. That’s been around for-literally-ever”, “Nice try, but you’re late to the game”…and for those …

Philadelphia is rich with history. After all, it was a major hot spot for our forefathers – it’s the home of the Liberty Bell, the Declaration of Independence and (fun fact) home of the very first Republican National Convention in 1856. Are we missing anything? Oh yeah – it’s the birthplace and home of …

Trump made headlines again this week, and for once it’s not for something he said. After walking out on Monday night of the Republican National Convention to the tune of Queen’s “We Are the Champions,” Queen was, you could say, less than pleased about this song choice. Their rep released a …

It’s only been 48 hours, but we’ve already learned a lot about Cleveland. Here’s a quick check list of lessons learned so far by the FamousDC team on the ground at #RNCinCLE: 1.) Kathryn Lyons is very easily disoriented. 2.) Good luck finding a friendlier bunch of folks than the people …

With the 2016 Republican National Convention set in Cleveland, Ohio, there was only one thing for the FamousDC team to do – go find Lebron. After spending six long hours crammed in a car and losing sense of the meaning  of personal space, we soon realized it was only the beginning.Follow FamousDC on …

Just in case your back sweat isn’t enough of an indication, we’re here to remind you that it’s hot out. We’re not trying to keep you from going outside – we’re trying to keep you from going outside without proper protection, a koozie. After all, summer is a time to really enjoy the outdoors before …

Fittest city in America? Maybe when Kevin Cleary is in town. The multiple Ironman competitor, marathon runner, yoga “master”, and CEO of Clif Bar might give us a run for our money. Kevin came to town to pay MCON a visit and teach this generation’s young rising stars about leadership and …

In case we haven’t shouted it from the rooftops enough, it’s National Candy Month. The National Confectioners Association has made summer even sweeter by dubbing June “National Candy Month“. It’s not that we needed an excuse to celebrate our beloved snacks, but it’s nice to be informed about the finer things …

So here’s the deal: at the end of every month we’re going to give you our unsolicited commentary on what happened during said month. From politics and pop culture to pretty useless information, you’ll be able to find it in our Monthly Round Up. (you don’t have to tell us how …

John H. Downs Jr. Christopher Gindlesperger Susan Whiteside VJ Mayor Audrey Lee Nicole Tieman Alex Gangitano Ken Farnaso Steuart Martens Emily Heil  

The Undefeated – ESPN’s newest platform focused on the intersection of race and sports – is finally seeing the light of day and, after several months of some turbulence, the light at the end of the tunnel. The Undefeated launched this morning to bring its audience stories of athleticism, altruism and inspiration from …
