Congrats Art and Darrell
Redskins’ Monk and Green lead six into Hall of Fame Darrell Green Youth Life Foundation His Redskins Bike Super Bowl Rings
Hardest working reporter in America
JoMa filing from a Taco Bell JoMa reporting from sunny Florida JoMa having dinner in Hollywood JoMa on KFC diplomacy
DC Moves
Suite Talk Foster to Burson-Marsteller Goodell to JetBlue Coe as EVP with Hawthorn Group Henry (AdFarm) to Hawthorn Henderson and Hubbard to McGuirewoods
Oh god … they found the weakness
Barack Obama‘s camp released a post-SC memo, saying Hillary Clinton‘s camp “will likely wave shiny baubles in front of the media to try and divert their focus” for 2/5.
A Presidential shine
President Bush, gives Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) a quick shine before his SOTU address. (By Rich Lipski — The Washington Post)
Kimora Primary
Politico: Kimora Lee Simmons Endorses Hillary Clinton Hotline: The Highly Coveted Kimora Lee Simmons Endorsement
Fishbowl thinks it’s fishy
FishbowlDC asks: What local muckracker does TMZ have working for them? turns one
Multimedia political news enterprise dominating after only one year.
Bres not a fan of Catholic school
Bresnahan: “So I think the House should reject this resolution and launch an immediate probe into Catholic schools nationwide. I will volunteer my testimony as a starting place. “Of course, I was a terrible little s*** as a child, so the nuns probably kept me out of prison. And now …
DC Moves
Suite Talk Rep. Kohl hires Rohit Mahajan Jay Timmons now Exec. VP at NAM BSA hires Katherine McGuire (Enzi) Ducks Unlimited expands
Shipwreck, treasure, insider trading — an SEC tale
Texas again leads the way…
Dozens in Texas Town Report Seeing UFO
Bill Kristol to the NY Times Op-Ed page
NY Times Public Editor: He May Be Unwelcome, but We’ll Survive “Kristol would not have been my choice to join David Brooks as a second conservative voice in the mix of Times columnists, but the reaction is beyond reason. Hiring Kristol the worst idea ever? I can think of many …
Timing is everything
The art of the well-timed sports pic. (Top 30)
Dollar Bill Jefferson Nowhere Near the Scene
Couple Find Nearly $12K in ‘Cold Cash’
Smoke ’em if you got ’em
Man in Anti-Smoking Ads Still Smokes “He’s the poster boy for the state’s new anti-smoking campaign. But the 48-year-old Skip Legault is still smoking – despite an amputated leg, two heart attacks and a stroke.”
Blind Item
Which conservative blogger (and Red State regular) is rumored to be signing on with a surging WH 08 campaign?
Did Jo-Ma just frat-out?
Jonathan Martin waxing poetic from the College of Charleston “Inside the wrought iron fence were masses of white college students — but ones that looked very different from one another. There were the dreads-and-sandals types, smoking Dunhills (and who knows what else before or after). But then there was a …
I’m gonna need to confiscate that
Kan. Police Chief Who Stole Beer Fired