
Redskins’ Monk and Green lead six into Hall of Fame Darrell Green Youth Life Foundation His Redskins Bike Super Bowl Rings

Senator asks why NFL destroyed tapes

JoMa filing from a Taco Bell JoMa reporting from sunny Florida JoMa having dinner in Hollywood JoMa on KFC diplomacy

Suite Talk Foster to Burson-Marsteller Goodell to JetBlue Coe as EVP with Hawthorn Group Henry (AdFarm) to Hawthorn Henderson and Hubbard to McGuirewoods

Barack Obama‘s camp released a post-SC memo, saying Hillary Clinton‘s camp “will likely wave shiny baubles in front of the media to try and divert their focus” for 2/5.

President Bush, gives Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) a quick shine before his SOTU address. (By Rich Lipski — The Washington Post)

Politico: Kimora Lee Simmons Endorses Hillary Clinton Hotline: The Highly Coveted Kimora Lee Simmons Endorsement

Y&N: Glossy Bumps from annual ‘guest’ list

FishbowlDC asks: What local muckracker does TMZ have working for them?

Multimedia political news enterprise dominating after only one year.

Bresnahan: “So I think the House should reject this resolution and launch an immediate probe into Catholic schools nationwide. I will volunteer my testimony as a starting place. “Of course, I was a terrible little s*** as a child, so the nuns probably kept me out of prison. And now …

Suite Talk Rep. Kohl hires Rohit Mahajan Jay Timmons now Exec. VP at NAM BSA hires Katherine McGuire (Enzi) Ducks Unlimited expands

Shipwreck, treasure, insider trading — an SEC tale

Dozens in Texas Town Report Seeing UFO

NY Times Public Editor: He May Be Unwelcome, but We’ll Survive “Kristol would not have been my choice to join David Brooks as a second conservative voice in the mix of Times columnists, but the reaction is beyond reason. Hiring Kristol the worst idea ever? I can think of many …

The art of the well-timed sports pic. (Top 30)

Couple Find Nearly $12K in ‘Cold Cash’

Man in Anti-Smoking Ads Still Smokes “He’s the poster boy for the state’s new anti-smoking campaign. But the 48-year-old Skip Legault is still smoking – despite an amputated leg, two heart attacks and a stroke.”

Which conservative blogger (and Red State regular) is rumored to be signing on with a surging WH 08 campaign?

Jonathan Martin waxing poetic from the College of Charleston “Inside the wrought iron fence were masses of white college students — but ones that looked very different from one another. There were the dreads-and-sandals types, smoking Dunhills (and who knows what else before or after). But then there was a …

Kan. Police Chief Who Stole Beer Fired
