6 DC Photographers to Follow on Instagram

Contributed and authored by: Allie Erenbaum, a media and marketing student at American University. Instagram is a unique and diverse platform to find inspiration. Professional and amateur photographers get the chance to tell a visual story through the photos they’ve taken. The following account are just a few of the many …
10 People in D.C. Driving Cyber Security Legislation

Gone are the days in which passwords meant reliable protection and your personal internet activity was actually private. We must come to terms with the fact that our most important, personal, and even secret information is incredibly vulnerable to attack from outside sources. Over the last several years, cyber attacks have …
20 Totally Free Things to do in DC

Photo By: Michael Tompsett #1: See one of the largest selections of portraits at the National Portrait Gallery. #2: Hit the books at the Library of Congress. #3: Rise sky high for the best view of DC at the Washington Monument. #4: Take in the unique works of art …
Why 8th Street SE is the Coolest Street in DC

#1: Ted’s Bulletin Frosty mugs for their home brewed beers, thick spiked milkshakes, and breakfast served all day…how much better can it really get? Ted’s Bulletin is a signature go to restaurant up on 8th Street, SE. It gives an old fashioned speakeasy vibe that caters to everyone’s style ensuring …
Top 10 Most Awesome Things About Being a Hill Staffer

#1: Your mom tells all her friends that you work at the White House directly for the President of the United States. #2: Receptions. Free finger food and cheap wine after work. “Of course I want to hear about sustainable farming using the power of the sun association.” #3: The occasional Matt Lira …
Top 5 Watering Holes on Capitol Hill

Washington DC definitely has a taste for every kind of cuisine and drink you can imagine. Whatever you are in the mood for, you can certainly find it! But what about the hidden dives, secret gems, and unknown true hot spots of DC? Well folks, here you have it! A list of DC’s top 5 watering holes unique to Capitol Hill.
DC Date Spots That Won’t Break the Bank

A hundred bucks doesn’t go far in DC these days, but your date night shouldn’t have to suffer the consequences. Here’s a list of 8 great spots around the city that give new meaning to the term “cheap date” Date Spot #1: Daikaya Ramen Looking for a fun, delicious, take the edge off kind …
Top 5 Spots for a Boozy Weekday Lunch

There are boozy brunch specials to be found all over the city every weekend. However, a boozy weekday lunch deal is a bit harder to come by. Fear not, we’ve done the work for you and tracked down a few of our favorites. We’ve gathered a range of cuisines to suit any palate and all for $20 or less. So whether its your coworker’s birthday, your boss is out of town, or you need just a bit of liquid courage before that afternoon pitch (note: we said, “just a bit”) these five restaurants will fix you right up!
Top 5 Places to have a Discreet Meeting in DC

A few weeks back, we threw this question out to some of our loyal readers, asking for your picks for the best discreet meeting spots in DC, and frankly, what we got back was questionable at best. One of you actually recommended Bullfeathers. We can only hope that you guys …
Top 5 DC Getaway Destinations

Summer is upon us, and the days are as long as Rand Paul is short, which can only mean one thing… it’s time for a ROADTRIP! Don’t be an amateur and wait until August recess to hit the road. Escape from the swarms of tacky tourists and Instagramming interns now …
5 Funny DC Reporters on Twitter

The news is serious business. All day, influencers, lawmakers and everyday citizens follow DC reporters on Twitter to get the latest on what’s happening not only in DC but nationally. We have to be honest – sometimes we just follow them for the jokes.
Top 5 Political Reporters You Should Know
All right all you big-time editors (looking at you, Ryan Grim, Susan Glasser, Jon Allen, Rachael Smolkin, Gabriel Snyder, Karey Van Hall, and Rachel Van Dongen) – we’re helping you find the next generation of talent. We reached out to our sources and compiled a list of 5 political reporters …
Top Political Digital Free Agents You Should Know
Sure, there are 12,583 Republicans contemplating running for President this year – at FamousDC, we’re more concerned with where the top digital strategists will land.
Best Reactions to the “50 Most Beautiful” List
There have been a lot of reactions to The Hill’s 50 Most Beautiful List, a tradition 11 years in the running, but we’ve collected a few of the best here. Enjoy. Best Use of Smarmy Sarcasm “Scientifically speaking, the most beautiful person on the hill would be a well-oiled sailor …
Top Ten Things That Make Congressional Softball Great
We recently saw CQ Roll Call reporter Abby Livingston‘s article on the upcoming Women’s Congressional Baseball game public roster and reached out to her. When she replied, her pure joy that Congressional Softball was back prompted us to ask her to write a guest post. But before we get to the best things about the game, there are a few things you should know about Abby:
She is co-captain of the press team (hardcore), AKA “The Bad News Babe.” In real life she’s a political reporter at CQ Roll Call
They play for charity, the Young Survivtal Coalition, which supports women under the age of 40 who have breast cancer
Both teams practice twice a week at 7am (did we mention hardcore?)
Get your tickets to the Fifth Annual Congressional Women’s Softball Game here or visit their main website
She’ll be crushing it at the game on June 26th (True story, we had to postpone this article for batting practice. Again, hardcore.)
Top Ten Things That Make Congressional Softball Great
10. Lynn Sweet’s garden gloves. (Photo courtesy of Jeff Malet)
9. Former Rep. Laura Richardson leaving her ethics hearing so she’d be on time to the game last year.
8. Every other league I’ve ever played in made me remove my pearls and other jewelry before the game. This is how the Congressional Women’s Softball Game rolls.
DC’s Top Lobbyists
In case you missed it, The Hill came out with their list of 2012’s Top Lobbyists yesterday. A few of the familiar faces include: Tucker Foote, MasterCard; Bryan Anderson, Southern Company; Joel Kaplan, Facebook; Kent Knutson, Home Depot; Matt Tanielian, Franklin Square Group; Sam Geduldig, Clark Lytle Geduldig & Cranford; …
Top 10 Storm Tips #Sandy
**3PM ACCUWEATHER UPDATE** In case you need reminders as to what to do in a bad storm, we’ve created a Top 10 list. Top 10 Storm Tips: Never use a generator inside the house – unless it’s not your house. Be sure to buy a dozen 24-packs of bottled water …
Top DC Journalists
Yes, we realize this has been on the magazine rack at Whole Foods for days and drove Beltway dinner conversations last weekend – but just like the rest of Washington, we love lists — and this one is now online and linkable . Washingtonian: 50 Top Journalists 2009 Did Garrett …