5 Group Fitness Spots That Will Get You Ready for Summer

If you’re like most Washingtonians, you may have hit the hors d’oeuvres (and booze) a bit harder than you hit the exercise during the Winter. Now it’s time to revisit the health-related New Years resolution. Because life comes out you fast, and “waiting until tomorrow” to get jump-started seems easier, …
10 Wineries Just Outside the District

“But Virginia is so far,” said every District dweller ever. “Wine tour? Ok fine.” An afternoon spent sipping vino at your leisure sounds like bliss, especially for workaholic Washingtonians who could use a siesta. So we decided to take a closer look at the hidden gems right here in D.C.’s …
Happy Trails: 10 DC Trails That Should Be On Every Hiker’s Bucket List

Arlington, Virginia was voted 2018’s “Fittest City in America” by the American Fitness Index – and D.C. remains on the top of that list. In fact, we’re willing to bet that if you’re a Washingtonian reading this right now, you probably have a FitBit on your wrist. It’s really no wonder …
25 DC Bars with a View

Summer is upon us and if you haven’t already, you’re likely to get ambushed by people telling you about summer workouts and tips to getting that beach bod blah blah blah. That’s great and all, but we’re here to remind you that summer isn’t just about the bods – it’s …
Bean There: 5 DC Coffee Shops You Should Try This Fall

For many Washingtonians, the day begins with a cup of joe from the coffee shop around the corner. Monday through Friday, these joints are packed like cans of sardines with congressmen, lawyers, students, entrepreneurs — the full gamut of city folk. But only in recent years has D.C. experienced a …
When You Need A Drink on November 8, Check Out This List

Tuesday is upon us. Although we cannot predict what will happen on election night, we can predict that we’ll need a drink. Or three. Regardless of the results, D.C. bars and restaurants are offering up their massive TVs, killer drink specials, and election-themed libations on November 8. Here’s our list of …
Halloweekend Bar Guide

Remember when we were kids and got all dressed up for halloween in elaborate store-bought costumes and went door-to-door trick or treating? Well, we still do that as adults – only now we dress up in all black, throw some ears on and and go bar-to-bar trick or treating for as many drinks as …
Top 10 Reasons the Nationals Are Built for the Postseason

Knocked out of the park by: Matt “Cheetah Chrome” Billman 10. Daniel Murphy Murphy came to the Nat’s this past offseason from the division rival Mets, who by the way, he absolutely demolished this year with seven homers and 22 RBI’s in 19 games. The 2016 All-Star and two time …
Let The College Football Games Begin

Throw that to do list away – this is the most important list you will look at today, this weekend, your life etc. We are about to transition into fall and with this change of seasons comes one of its most glorious perks. No, not Valencia filtered pumpkin patches… College football. One of …
Labor Day Weekend (In and Around DC)

It’s almost Labor Day weekend, which means summer is coming to a close and wearing white will soon be outlawed. The Washington, DC area has some great festivities planned — from patriotic festivals to state fairs and regattas on the water. Whatever your fancy, you’ll find something great to do. …
Five Things to Do This Weekend

We’re on the last leg of summer, and at risk of sounding like an old person…. wow, time flies. Soon, hordes of college students will be flocking to the District like locusts, disrupting your peace. Since you have around one to two more weekends to enjoy a slightly quieter DC, we’ve …
Politicians Eating Philly Cheesesteaks, Ranked

Ah, the Philly cheesesteak. Thinly sliced meat slapped onto a bread roll, slathered in Cheez Whiz, and heated to a melty deliciousness. Whether you love them or hate them, they’re everywhere in Philly. No matter if you’re a prominent politician or a tired out Bernie protester, cheesesteaks are here to …
Five Types of RNC Protesters

Check out these five types of weirdos who showed up to protest at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Nude Models 100 female models holding mirrors lined up nude in Cleveland, OH during the RNC to be photographed by artist Spencer Tunick. This event was either Trump’s worst nightmare …
Bringing Out the Best: Late-Night Eats in DC

Congratulations on making it through another work week! Now it’s time to go out and get yourself a celebratory drink (or five). Fast forward a few hours from all of the shots, dancing (or whatever you call that movement you’re doing), trips to the bathroom, and singing (extremely off key) …
D.C. Dog Days

Best Places to Take Your Dog in D.C. This Summer Tails on the Trail The Potomac Overlook Trail is a great spot to take your dog to cool off. Pups can paddle in the water, jump around in the shallower areas, and climb the hills of this winding trail. …
Red, White & Brew

Four score and seven beers ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men should celebrate the 4th properly. We firmly stand by our founding fathers proposition and are hoping to fulfill our duty as U.S. citizens by …
Who Run the Quote?

Who said it, Hillary or Beyonce? “If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle.” It’s a toss up for best hair flip when it comes to Hillary and Beyonce, but this is a quote from Mrs. Clinton. These women have both made …
Bringing Out The Best…of Beyoncé

If you feel the ground shake beneath you at all this weekend, don’t worry. It’s not another earthquake, it’s just Beyonce and her dancers practicing their formation ahead of Saturday’s concert at M&T Stadium in Baltimore. In honor of the Queen’s arrival, we’ve put together a royal list of Bey’s best …
Fashionably Famous: Top 5 Spring & Summer Styles

By Politiquette’s Marissa Mitrovich: Politiquette is a place to be inspired by the art of fashion. Readers gain an understanding of the politics of why to wear–and the etiquette of when to wear–specific styles. Marissa Mitrovich founded Politiquette with the goal of bringing further substance to the dialogue surrounding style in DC. …
Spring Cleaning: DC Style

Whether you’re the typical D.C. dweller or transient collegiate resident, you probably got a little excited when you heard chatter about the cherry blossoms. After all, it meant warmth actually exists outside the only warmth you’ve been used to for so long – the one that barely survived inside your apartment …
Best Places to Eat Today Because it’s Thursday!

Taste tested and approved by Erick Sanchez Happy Thursday, folks. You know, it’s a different kind of Thursday. The kind of Thursday that requires a different kind of appetite. Your agenda this Thursday might be different than that of another Thursday. Today, you might have really big plans. Maybe you plan on getting …