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Friday Round Up

9/28 Round Up: Goodbye civility, hello weekend
#Weekend Famous events: If you’re a fan of food trucks (which, let’s face it, who isn’t), then Truckeroo is the place for you; Enjoy ‘Opera in the Outfield’ at Nats Park; Run, don’t walk to ‘Wanderlust 108 – The World’s Only Mindful Triathlon’ happening this weekend!; If “The Great Gatsby” is …

9/21 Friday Round Up: Traffic is light. You should leave work now.
#Weekend Awesome events: Before we get to the highly anticipated Taste of Georgetown taking place this weekend, let us present you with some options to tide you over until Sunday; It’s the last weekend to get it on the latest fashion trends at DC Fashion Week; The 90s aren’t going away …

9/14 Friday Round Up: Our thoughts are with the Carolinas
#Weekend Awesome events: Some events planned for this weekend like the DC VegFest and H Street Festival have been cancelled or postponed due to [e]; Jose Andres can cook – and he can save lives too! He’s discussing his efforts in Puerto Rico tonight with WaPo food reporter Tim Carmen; The …

9/7 Friday Round Up: Welcome to the Lodestar state
#Weekend Awesome events: Can you imagine having the BEST gelato the world has to offer? Imagine no more!; Missing Jazz in the Garden? The Rosslyn Jazz Festival can fill that little void for you; Atlas Brew Works is turning five and celebrating the way any five year old could ever dream …

8/31 Friday Round Up: Laboring into the weekend
#Weekend Awesome events: What’s Labor Day weekend without a little pop and country music? Niall Horan and Maren Morris can show you tonight at Jiffy Lube Live; Steve Byrne is bringing the funny to DC Improv this weekend; And comedian Hasan Minaj will be doing the same on Saturday night!; Anacostia …

8/24 Friday Round Up: What the peck is cohen on?
#Weekend Awesome events: Is it Friday yet? Yes, yes it is. Arsenio Hall is bringing the funny to DC Improv tonight and tomorrow. The laughs come free with the purchase of tickets; Wanna try something new this weekend? Fairfax Comic Con is hosting its first ever convention. (Dressing up strongly encouraged); …

8/17 Friday Round Up: If at first you don’t succeed, trial again
#Weekend Awesome events: Did you know that a lot of paydays strategically fall on Fridays so that you blow all your money over the weekend, forcing you to go back to work on Monday because you have none left? It’s true – we read it on the internet; Here are several …

8/10 Friday Round Up: May the Space Force be with you
#Weekend Awesome events: It’s time to let out your cotton-candy-lovin’ inner-kid out at the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair!; Black Card Declined combines stand-up comedy and game show feels about Black culture for a night to get learnt and LOL; Lose your sanity on Friday and Saturday – and regain it on …

8/3 Friday Round Up: Photo ID Not Required
#ThankYou You guys – my inbox broke yesterday thanks to all of you who sent in tips for today’s newsletter. Get ready to witness what might be the largest #FamousForDC section in Round Up history. Thank you to everyone who contributed and a special thanks to my dad for always …

7/27 Friday Round Up: Famous is our second favorite F word
#FamousFollow WYD this weekend? Anything fun? Anything boring? Perfect
. Tag us in your pictures and use the hashtag #FamousWeekend so we can live vicariously through your fun plans and maybe even show up at the spot you’re at…or not because that’d be weird. #Weekend Awesome events: In case you missed our …