Author Archive
Samantha Cooper

We’ve Got the Scoop on National Ice Cream Month
With July being National Ice Cream Month, how can these next few weeks be anything but legen-dairy? Just be sure to get a moo-ve on your celebration because July is going by faster than you can run after the ice cream truck. So grab your spoons, napkins and pants with …

A Newbie’s Guide to DC
Whether you’re being relocated for your job, or are moving to The District after graduation in hopes of finding a job, there’s some things you should know about DC before you dive in headfirst. Luckily for you, we’ve created your go-to guide for all the do’s and don’ts of your …

What to Do with All That Extra Daylight
Today is the summer solstice. Here in DC, we get approximately 14 hours of daylight throughout these summer months and if you are like most people and don’t know what to do with all of that extra daylight on your hands, fear not. We’ve compiled a list of things for you to do …

Politicians New Year’s Resolutions
At the start of every New Year, we as Americans pledge to change every ill about ourselves for like a solid four days until we give up and say we’ll try again next year. I mean, who knew eating healthy, working out, getting out of debt, while relieving all the stress …

Here’s Where You Should be Ringing in the New Year
After a year like 2016, we deserve to have a good time ringing in 2017. As you wait for the ball to drop, check out these awesome New Years Eve parties happening in and around DC. In case you may be partying a little too hard, Metro will be providing safe …

Free Metro Rides on New Year’s
Metro is teaming up with Miller Lite® to make sure you all get home safely after celebrating the start of 2017. Not only will Metro stay open until 3 a.m. after the ball drops this New Year’s Eve, but all rides on Metrorail and Metrobus will be free after midnight, courtesy …

CAVA’s Innovation Kitchen to Open in Shaw
CAVA is set to open its newest restaurant in Shaw tonight. This location will be CAVA’s Innovation Kitchen, a creative space where the brand will test new menu items and technology, and host community events. In celebration, the DC-born chain will offer free meals from 5pm-8pm on opening night. The rapidly expanding fast casual restaurant …

What it Would Take to Sway Our Vote
As the Electoral College meets today to formally name our next President, there has been some controversy surrounding electors and people from both sides of the party line trying to sway them in another direction. So just in case anyone wanted to nominate FamousDC to be an elector in the next …

10 Ways to Experience DC During the Holidays
Whether you’re looking to get in on all of the holiday festivities, or you’re looking for any excuse to get away from your in-laws for a bit, we’ve got you covered on where to go to make the most of your holiday experience in DC. 1. National Christmas Tree …

Holiday Charity Opportunities in DC
The holiday’s are all about spreading cheer, love and gifts. But just remember while you’re getting things, you also can be giving back to those in need. That’s why this holiday season, we hope you join us in volunteering your time at these charity opportunities. Adopt-a-Family Program Adopt-a-Family is run through the …

An All Automated Restaurant Opens in DC
On Tuesday, Eatsa, a fully-automated faster food experience opened its doors at its first DC location. This new location is the largest in the country and located at 1627 K Street NW. Eatsa allows customers to choose from a completely customizable, healthy and flavorful menu and order their meal without ever …

The Best Cyber Monday Deals for the DCer
Today’s the day when the majority of Americans are conned into buying things they don’t need and will never use for the sole purpose of saying that they bought these items for a great deal. But us DCers know how to get the best bang for our buck- I mean …

DC On Tap: Your Guide to Thanksgiving Eve
‘Twas the night before Thanksgiving and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The liquor was stocked behind the bar with care, hoping that old friends would soon be catching up there. All the group messages were buzzing about where they should make last …

Thank You, Uncle Joe.
The time has come for the real life Selina Myer to tie a ribbon on his tenure as Vice President. The man, the meme, the legend – Joe Biden has served as VEEP for the past eight years in addition to his 36 years serving as a U.S. Senator from Delaware. We’ve …

Famous 5: Michael Kennedy
DC is fully equipped with every type of lawyer imaginable. We’ve got government lawyers, immigration lawyers, divorce lawyers, employment lawyers, Congressman that double as lawyers, and thanks to Michael Kennedy we’ve got one more to add to the list- a lawyer that doubles as a photographer. We were quite intrigued by …