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Practically Famous

Happy National Beer Day!
It’s no coincidence that #NatsOpeningDay and #NationalBeerDay fall on the same date. That, folks, is what we call fate. _________________________________ #happynationalbeerday #nationals #washingtonnationals #baseball #baseballisback #openingday #beer #sweetwater #gooseisland #washingtondc #famousdc #officegoals #cheers @sweetwaterbrew @gooseisland @nationals A video posted by FamousDC (@famous_dc) on Apr 7, 2016 at 9:15am PDT Are …

Mike Morrison is Famous for DC
When Mike Morrison isn’t busy digital media directing for AEA, he sits around, watches baseball, and gets famous. Casual. Yesterday while watching the Colorado Rockies play the Arizona Diamondbacks, Mike entertained Twitter with live updates of the game. Mark Reynolds making some excellent catches. Crazy defense from the Rockies — Mike Morrison …

Famous Picks – Final Four
A few weeks back, FamousDC teamed up with the American Gaming Association and the Washington Examiner to tip off the beginning of March Madness with an epic watch party. As guests mingled, sipped cocktails, and talked basketball, we had them submit their picks for the Final Four of the NCAA Tournament. …

Ten Things You Probably Didn’t Know About FamousDC
10. The Salahis crashed one of our parties with a camera crew. 9. The site was anonymous for several years until Shane Harris broke the story for The Washingtonian. 8. We have the coolest office space in DC. A video posted by FamousDC (@famous_dc) on Mar 7, 2016 at 2:23pm …

FamousDC Convention Hub
The RNC recently launched a convention app which lets users know more about the political process happening in Cleveland this July. It helps you better understand the rules of the convention, the role delegates play, and the representation of the RNC. In response, we thought of a better app for those attending the Cleveland event… aka… …

Morning Grind
FAMOUS FORECAST Today will be cool but comfortable in the upper 60’s. Get ready for a rain storm right around rush hour this evening. FRIDAY JAM Brought to you by Taz Jones of Bryant Row. Life is way too short to spend it with your eyes only half open. Whether you …

Instagram Takeover – Jeremy Kirkpatrick
When life hands us a cheeseburger, we devour it. When life hands Jeremy Kirkpatrick a cheeseburger, he takes the time to enjoy the beauty of it first and then he shares it with the world. It is for this reason that Jeremy has a lot more friends than us. It …

FamousDC April
Bryant Hagen Lola Politi Finley Maye-Key Winston Snead Ernie Fimka Teddy Imperiale Macie Gress Indy Bauza Gauge Shultz Hamilton Porter

Sh*t Trump Says – Posters
Every so often, a truly inspiring person comes along with the natural ability to captivate an audience. People like Gandhi, John Lennon, Nelson Mandela, and Eleanor Roosevelt – their inspirational words of wisdom are some of the most quoted lines in history – their influence on the world, tremendous. Headlines and soundbites …

Life on the Campaign Trail: Intern
During an election year, the campaign trail receives constant coverage. That attention typically surrounds those folks campaigning for office, as it is important that we get to know the person we’re electing – everything from their fiscal policies to their hairstyles are scrutinized by the media. What is often forgotten, however, …

Morning Grind
FAMOUS FORECAST One word: SUNNY. TUESDAY JAM Brought to you by Taz Jones of Bryant Row. We’re mid-way through the week and it’s GORGEOUS outside, so we know what you want. What you want is to appear professional today just long enough to evade disciplinary actions from your superiors that might …

In Full Bloom
Of course there’s something to be said about seeing these beautiful blossoms in person, but if you’re stuck in the office, or just don’t want to fight the crowds, Mike Lurie has done you an incredible service. Here are the legendary DC Cherry Blossoms

Famous Friday Round Up
Weather: Spring is here and damn it, it wants to be heard. This weekend brings you lots of sun with highs in the 60s and 70s. If you’re not outside this weekend, chances are you’re a vampire. Awesome events you can attend this weekend: Catch the Shakespeare classic, Hamlet, at the Kennedy …

Morning Grind
FAMOUS FORECAST We’re flirting with some sun in the 70s today. Expect a little precipitation until noon and a lot of condensation on your happy hour bevies after that. It’s Friday, y’all. FRIDAY JAM Brought to you by Taz Jones of Bryant Row. When LCD Soundsystem surprised us yesterday with the …

Through the Lens of Jeremy Art
Nothing says good morning like a cherry blossom bloom at sunrise. A veteran of our Through the Lens series, Jeremy Art captures another gorgeous scene in our nation’s capital.