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Just saw Newt and his wife at the Grand #rnc08 # hot ticket tonight….sammy hagar #rnc08 # anna marie cox sighted at the hotel bar. she made both conventions! #rnc08 # the RNC show must go on! #rnc08 # no protest sightings yet – #rnc08 # police form a human …

heading to mn. #rnc08 # sandals = comfortable and easy to tie. bad idea for airport bathrooms. gross #rnc08 # in MN!! #rnc08 # in the MN airport…H. Wolfson’s driver can’t find him in baggage claim # in the MN airport. H. Wolfson’s driver can’t find him in baggage claim. …

Does this rock concert play right into the Republicans’ hands? They called this three weeks ago with the Britney/Paris commercial. # 67 days until the election….so many game changers lately…here we go! # Waiting for McCain event: Why are there cheerleaders? Who are the ad geniuses behind that one? #

Obama couldn’t let Biden get all the credit tonight. He couldn’t stay off stage – #dnc08 # all the corporate people are leaving denver…the “change” masses are still here for the speech. will all of these people vote? #dnc08 #

how to talk your way into a convention party 101 — tell them you’re with the press and dont have credentials yet…works every time # Name Calling is the Most Sincere Form of Slattery # just met Criag from Craigslist and # just met Craig from Craigslist….he said he’s …

fugees on stage….fraz….no lauryn hill….talking about skid row in los angeles # praz wants to close the gap….”something is happening…” # more security than delegates…. # can we go to another brunch? YES WE CAN # is every street in denver shut down? # too much change, not enough AC. …

Yes folks, even million dollar NFL players have to take out the trash.  [with pics] I’m also working on the trading autographs for the dumping costs. Our agreement hasn’t worked out yet, but I feel good about it in the near future. My negotiating skills are too good and I …

File this one under mission critical. The RNC’s Facebook friends total recently surpassed the DNC total. So what does an organization do when that happens? Simple, you attempt to pitch it to the media and hope that JoMa isn’t asleep at the keyboard. [Riveting, isn’t it?] Only this time, it …

The word douchebag has officially made a monumental comeback. The expression, that had all but disappeared, has reemerged, and in a big way – well, except if you attend Lewis S. Mill High School. Apparently, at Lewis S. Mill, the use of the word douchebag is frowned upon, especially when …

YouTube, a company known for bridging the gap between Republicans and Democrats, has offered up yet another gem. In the clip below, Rep. Henry Waxman makes it abundantly clear that Rep. Darrell Issa will not be getting a holiday card from him this year. Note: The obsessive gavel banging, led …

A group of tech-savvy, right-leaning politicos have launched an online movement that hopes to compete with websites such as MyDD, Open-Left and Daily Kos. Co-founded by Patrick Ruffini, Soren Dayton and Jon Henke, the Next Right, is a blog-style platform that hopes to offer fall-behind Republicans advice as to how …

Remember this moment? Drudge called it an Obama “mass”. We even posted about it here. Well, unfortunately for those dedicated Obama allegiants, [and those enamored by photos of big crowds] it looks as if this “mass” of sorts, wasn’t quite built around the charisma of Barack Obama, but rather that …

Democratic staffers across the Hill are already salivating about the possibilities that might arise come November. [Bulletin board material for the GOP] Democratic Hill staffers have become transfixed by the next Election Day – which could bring a new administration and an untold number of new job openings – while …

If you’re like the rest of the Taste of the South goers, and don’t quite remember exactly how your Saturday evening went, or how you got home- we can assure you one thing – it wasn’t in a cab. As we pointed out last week, DC cabbies are either real …

Rep. Tom Davis recently released a memo, [littered with problems] and probably wishes he could have take backs. Calls for concern in his memo: 1. He misspells Barack Obama’s name throughout the entire memo. [Hire a copy editor] 2. For some reason he uses the term “tar baby” while trying …