Author Archive
Katherine Richardson

Famous 5: @DCFoodPorn
The D.C. food scene is pretty fantastic. Now that we’ve got some Michelin stars, foodies are flocking to the District, inspired by some of D.C.’s best and brightest food Instagrammers. One of the most popular of the bunch, @DCFoodPorn, captures the most delectable meals in the area. Over the past three …

New Year, New Concerts
If your New Year’s resolution was to see more live music in 2017, we’ve got a list just for you. If not, try and check out a new band this year. You’ll be amazed by the vibrancy of the D.C. music community and will certainly come back for more. Here are a …

Holiday Gift Guide: Politician Edition
Christmas is just around the corner, and if you’re organized, you’ve probably gotten gifts for most of your family and friends. If not, we wish you luck in the malls of America as you fight someone over the last remaining pumpkin spice candle. But there are a few people you’re …

Dash, Dance, and Prance to Our Holiday Playlist
It’s December 8, which means it’s now socially acceptable to blast holiday music at all times. In the shower? For sure. In the car? Definitely. At your desk at work? Depends on how many GRINCHES are in the office. The holidays are a wonderful time to give thanks, share gifts, …

Take A Hike… If You Want to Find Hillary
While Donald Trump is spending his days surrounded by his transition team, occasionally locking himself in a closet to retweet takes on the media from 16-year-olds, Hillary Clinton is… in the woods? Besides her only public appearance at the Children’s Defense Fund’s Gala, Hillary has kept a low profile in …

Politicians As Thanksgiving Dishes
Thanksgiving is upon us, so you better pull out your stretchy pants. Tomorrow, America will indulge in a cornucopia of delicious foods, from stuffing to pecan pie to that weird cranberry sauce from a can. Between bites of food, America will also have uncomfortable dinner table discussions about the election. FamousDC is here …

Famous5: James Watkins and Queen Beez
What’s the best way to teach young girls about leadership, teamwork, and self-confidence? According to James Watkins, Office Manager at the Living Classrooms Foundation, music is the answer. Watkins helps lead Queen Beez, a hip-hop program for young girls in the DMV. Throughout the program, participants write and produce a …

Joe Biden Isn’t Ready to Leave
Whether you’re pleased about the results of the election, apathetic, or deeply upset, we can all agree on one thing: humor makes everything a little bit better. In a few months, Barack Obama and Joe Biden are leaving the White House. Obama will certainly remain a public figure, but what …

See the World at FotoWeekDC
With the advent of iPhones, all of us are pretty good Instagram photographers. But there’s something really special about photos taken with professional cameras, ones that get the angles and lighting just right. D.C is celebrating these photos next week with FotoWeekDC. The week, which starts Saturday and ends November …

When You Need A Drink on November 8, Check Out This List
Tuesday is upon us. Although we cannot predict what will happen on election night, we can predict that we’ll need a drink. Or three. Regardless of the results, D.C. bars and restaurants are offering up their massive TVs, killer drink specials, and election-themed libations on November 8. Here’s our list of …

November Concert Guide
Music lovers, this one’s for you. As the weather cools down, indoor concert venues like 9:30 Club, Echostage, and U Street Music Hall are hosting major acts throughout November. Check out this list of your best options, which range in price from $15 to $150. Foals November 3 at Echostage Carly …

Twas the Night Before Halloweekend
Twas the night before Halloweekend, when all through the house Every lazy person was stirring, saying, “Maybe I could be a mouse?” FamousDC is here to tell you that you have already been a mouse, like, six times. We KNOW you can step it up this Halloween, and we have …

Farewell, ShopHouse
We have rough news. You might want to sit down for this. Chipotle CEO Steve Ellis announced last night that the company will divest from ShopHouse, its SouthEast Asian restaurant. The company will instead put money into its pizza chain Pizzeria Locale and new burger establishment Tasty Made. ShopHouse has eight locations in …

Our Bigly List of Debate Tweets
If you missed the final debate between Thing 1 and Thing 2 last night, the only thing you really missed was an opportunity to swap their faces on Snapchat… again. In what was another contentious performance between Donald and Hillary, the participant who came out on top was moderator Chris Wallace, whom journalists, politicos and debate viewers …

Extra! Extra! Read All About Us!
In a media world fraught with constant change and uncertainty, one thing is for sure: people want their content quickly and digitally. New technology like video and interactive graphics make the online media world more dynamic than the old fashioned print one. So when someone in our office said, “Hey, guys, …