Author Archive
Kathryn Lyons
Congratulations Rina Shah!
Rina Shah is the new Communications Director for Evan McMullin’s presidential campaign. Everyone please welcome to #TeamMcMullin our new Communications Director, @RinainDC! #StandUpWithEvan ??? — Team McMullin (@TeamMcMullin) August 24, 2016 Evan McMullin jumped into the 2016 presidential race as a third party contender at the beginning of the month. He was recruited by …
We Want You: Digital Engagement Strategist
FamousDC is seeking a qualified Digital Engagement Strategist to join our team! FamousDC is a media outlet that produces content and events for the people who make D.C. tick. We are positive high five machine and love to highlight the people, places and things that make D.C. a great place …
Louisiana State Society Fundraises for Flood Relief
The Louisiana State Society on Wednesday August 24th is hosting a happy hour to help assist the people and communities affected by the recent flooding in South Louisiana. The fundraiser, which begins at 6:00 pm, will take place at The Front Page in Dupont Circle. One hundred percent of these proceeds will go to the United Way …
Kidding Around: Barracks Row
It’s only Wednesday and we’re already tired of doing our adult duties. In other words, we literally can’t even adult anymore. So we did what we do best – bossed little kids around and made them do our job for us: wait in line at Rose’s Luxury, read the local newspaper and happy hour at Senart’s …
That’s “Mayor Steve” To You
There’s a new boss in town. The city council of Fairfax last night made a unanimous decision on former council member Steven Stombres to be its interim mayor. The decision comes after the city’s former mayor, Richard “Scott” Silverthorne, resigned last week amid an arrest and drug charges. Stombres will rule the land until …
FamousDC Does: The Olympic Treatment
We would’ve gone to Rio to compete, but who would we be to outshine team USA? That’d be rude. We did, however, treat ourselves as Olympians do with a little treatment known as cupping. We know what you’re thinking, “Old news. That’s been around for-literally-ever”, “Nice try, but you’re late to the game”…and for those …
Happy Birthday, Nick Meads!
If you don’t know who Nick Meads is, just Google him. We can assure you he’s a real person – he’s on the first page of search results. What you might not find is that today is his birthday, but that’s what we’re here for. And to also remind you that …
Congratulations Ben and Amy Howard!
In honor of Daniel Patrick Howard joining our world (h/t Playbook), we want to give Ben and Amy a special FamousDC high-five. We also have one for Daniel Patrick, but mom and dad might need to hold his hand up for him. Also because it’s Thursday and we can’t help ourselves, …
Cheers to you, Cherukuri!
Well at least there’s one president that we’re excited about. Our friend and Politico Executive, Peter Cherukuri, is leaving the company to take on a new and highly impressive role as president and chief innovation officer of 1776 – a global incubator and seed fund that helps engineer the success of the world’s most promising startups tackling important challenges. …
Famous Five – Kindness365
In a world where terror and fear are clouding our news feeds and our minds, one thing that remains clear is our need for kindness and charity. The Kindness365 crew recognizes that and that’s why they’ve dedicate all of their time to spreading that message. Teague Egan and Pacha King started Kindness365 as a way to …
FamousPHL: Say Cheese(steak)
Philadelphia is rich with history. After all, it was a major hot spot for our forefathers – it’s the home of the Liberty Bell, the Declaration of Independence and (fun fact) home of the very first Republican National Convention in 1856. Are we missing anything? Oh yeah – it’s the birthplace and home of …
With Cleveland in our rearview, it was time to set our sights on Philadelphia for the DNC – if you thought taking a road trip with your family was bad, try taking one with your coworkers and watch a 3-hour drive turn into 7. Our friends at the International Franchise Association get …
With the 2016 Republican National Convention set in Cleveland, Ohio, there was only one thing for the FamousDC team to do – go find Lebron. After spending six long hours crammed in a car and losing sense of the meaning of personal space, we soon realized it was only the beginning.Follow FamousDC on …
Famous Five – DCity Smokehouse
Just in case your back sweat isn’t enough of an indication, we’re here to remind you that it’s hot out. We’re not trying to keep you from going outside – we’re trying to keep you from going outside without proper protection, a koozie. After all, summer is a time to really enjoy the outdoors before …