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What Does This Mean? So who is the last person in the world you would expect to work for an “evil” corporation like Microsoft? Yep, of course, it’s the “Double Rainbow Guy” (aka Paul “Bear” Vasquez). He has apparently turned corporate. [So Intense]

Washingtonian is taking nominations for the best of the beltway. Leslie Milk:  Help Us Find Washingtonians of the Year For more than 30 years, the Washingtonian of the Year awards have been the highest honor our community bestows on the people who make this a better place. The Washingtonian is …

Mary Katharine Ham Today is 9.02.10. We should celebrate by all wearing the same dress & glaring at each other. Happy 90210 Day! 

Are you gearing up for your 2012 run? [Barbour] Are you still on probation and got arrested with your wife? [T.I.] Are you still trying to plug an oil well? [BP] Whatever you’re doing today, do it well. We’ve got a hurricane coming this weekend.

And now for the scariest thing that you’ll read today. NBC Washington: 8-Foot Shark Caught in Potomac River H/T Kristen Soltis

Welcome to the wired world: Hostage Taking 2.0 Here’s a link to the gunman’s manifesto. That link is farked, try this one. Live streaming [Fox 5 News] And here’s a picture snapped by an employee: UPDATE: The photo is a picture of a plainclothes officer – not the gunman. UPDATE: …

…perhaps that should be the name of our next rock band. [byt] big h/t to Brightest Young Things

I’d eat at Ben’s Chili Bowl everyday.

This ain’t right.  This ain’t right at all.

Schultz vs. Beck [crowd wars] Mark Zuckerberg [Caesar] At your desk [Standing] Travel [grounded]

Roll Call’s photographer superstar Tom Williams snapped Jim Billimoria at the top of the Rotunda.

George Alafoginis Carly Baker Freddy Barnes Brendan Buck Catalina Cabal Liam Donovan Natalie Grantham Bettina Inclan Alexa Marrero Jesse Thomas

Rick Klein will be drafting fantasy FB while Tweeting Obama Iraq speech. if I draft David Petraeus, please excuse me in advance.

The CBS News vs. Fox News battle heats up as Brian Montopoli explains the science behind their Glenn Beck rally crowd calculations. CBS News: Glenn Beck “Restoring Honor” Rally Crowd Estimate Explained