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FamousDC fave Remy is at it again. [We must be at Foggy Bottom – I just got crop-dusted] H/T TBD RELATED: Famous 5: Go Remy

NFL Bar Watching Guide [FamousDC] Zuckerberg vs. Sorkin [Facebook]

Ars Technica: Genre-defining Super Mario Bros. turns 25

**NFL Bar Watching Guide [FamousDC] Style for Hire [shop crawl] Hill Events [Cloture Club] New toy [kayak] Spiderman [PJs]

Robert Gibbs and The New York Times spent the weekend tangling with House Minority Leader John Boehner and his staff. In today’s wired world, the story doesn’t stop on the printed pages of the newspaper. Boehner’s press shop spent the weekend neutralizing the hit piece and Robert Gibbs took to …

Spotted on FishbowlDC: Losing 1.3% of my Twitter followers is the kind of tragedy I would write a mocking Tweet about had I not come to realize that covering the minutiae of the lives and careers of the “famous-for-DC” is exactly sort of bottom-of-the-bellybutton [sic] scraping that has caused so …

The NFL Season is upon us and all of our teams are undefeated (except Vikings fans). As a favor to all of our readers, we’ve compiled a list of the best bars to watch your favorite NFL games. FamousDC Presents … The DC NFL Bar Watching Guide Arizona Cardinals – …

David Almacy started the second grade, this is why political candidates have good pharmacists, do it for the kids, who is Mark DeLuca?, NFL is back, we wore jackets to work this morning, anything is legal in Ohio, hot dogs!, the legend of Lira continues, Fantasy Football time, flip flopping …

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Thanks to our Extreme friends over at C-SPAN we now take our morning coffee in a more fashionable manner. Speaking of mugs … where will the next FamousDC mug show up?

Chad Pergram: Top ten Ways You Can Tell Congress is Out of Session

Mathew Ingram: Like It or Not, Twitter Has Become a News Platform

Ben Smith: D.C. mayor seeks presidential endorsement