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NFL Bar Watching Guide [FamousDC] The Week in Events [Cloture Club] Christopher Straub [Project Beltway] Misleading stats [climate change] Dog walking on water [Dusty] Smile [for the camera] Want Google Voice? [try this]

John Kerry Talking Again The Hill’s Mike Lillis: Kerry blames out-of-touch voters for Democrats’ midterm image troubles “We have an electorate that doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what’s happening,” …

WTOP: Rains today bring 1 to 3 inches WASHINGTON — The heavy rains and chance of storms in the next two days are a welcome relief from the recent summer drought for farmers and gardeners, but the area will remain far short of the average rainfall for this time of …

Two gentlemen enter. One gentleman leaves. Roll Call’s Jackie Kucinich: Hoyer Criticizes Colbert’s Testimony Before House Panel The testimony that comedian Stephen Colbert made to a House subcommittee last week was “inappropriate,” according to House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. “I think it was an embarrassment for Mr. Colbert more than …

Celebrate with special guest Chris Martin, Honorary Chair of the Host Committee, and join fellow contemporary art lovers and philanthropists for the much-anticipated launch of NOW at the Corcoran—an exciting program of exhibitions presenting new and site-specific work by emerging and mid-career artists. Friday, October 1 8 p.m. to Midnight …

The NFL season is in full swing and Brad Kanus has agreed to join us for another year. FamousDC presents … Fantasy Football Rantworthy: Week 3 This week is going to be short.  My wife birthed our little future fantasy champion in time for me to catch all the NFL …

Colbert: “I hope my star power can bump this up all the way to C-SPAN 1.”

Don Draper doesn’t like the new DNC logo, Obama is losing the cactus vote, Editor’s note: Roll Call co-produces a weekly television program on Comcast, It handled great- I just hate the girl that gave it to me and haven’t used it since, the parking Gods smiled on David Almacy, …

Are you ready for some football?! …this chick is and although the football season is well underway, I love picking out my favorite spots to watch the games! Couch surfing is fun but nothing beats cheering on your beloved NFL and college teams over beer and wings. So where to …

GOP unveils new agenda at a lumber yard. Sean Duffy was jealous.

We were so happy not to see an “Eagles room.”

Congress enjoys its most productive day in three months…

NFL Bar Watching Guide [FamousDC] Don Draper [sad] Black Pajamas [worthy adversary] Chipotle [Union Station]