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Rick Klein’s Twitter Machine: Rep. Burgess on who will lead House Republicans: “I don’t think it’s fair to lock us in to just about anything right now.” #TopLine

NFL Bar Watching Guide [FamousDC] The Week in Events [Cloture Club] Europe [According to the U.S.]

Most of our Famous 5 interviews introduce you to interesting people or readers’ favorite restaurants and bars. This one will be a little different. Meet Shameless Gifts. Shameless Gifts is an online gift basket store that allows clients to anonymously say what has been bothering them about someone in their …

Won’t stop. Can’t stop. HELPFUL LINK: How to Build an Ark

Still. No. Hoverboards. The Atlantic’s Derek Thompson:  High-Speed Rail By 2040 Amtrak presented its 30-year plan for high-speed rail in the northeast corridor between Washington, D.C., and Boston. The plan will cost $120 billion. It will take 30 years to complete. It would shrink the travel time between D.C. and …

So it looks like Rahm F*!**&G Emanuel is running for Mayor of Chicago [Bears bandwagon?] We thought this would be a great opportunity for all of us to reflect on our time together. June 21, 2010: Rahm Packing His Bags? April 10, 2010: Look Out Foursquare … Rahm Wants to …

New York Times: Boehner: We’ve Got the Tax Votes, With Crossovers

Talk amongst yourselves POLITICO’s Keach Hagey: White House scorecard: MSNBC up, bloggers down

Fortune is out with their annual list of the Most Powerful Women in Business. Washington’s Power Players: #1 – Hilary Clinton, Secretary of State; #2 – Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House; #3 – Mary Schapiro, Chair of the SEC; #4 – Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services; …

NFL Bar Watching Guide [FamousDC] The Week in Events [Cloture Club] Welcome Farkers [Drew Curtis] Roll like OJ [For Cheap] Dance [For Peace] Jamal Coates [RIP]

We’ll expect to take some heat for this, but seriously, here’s a tip for the Alan Grayson campaign: If your ads make the candidate look like Warren from Something About Mary, then you might want to change media firms.

He’s scheduled to make his first offer tomorrow. The Hill’s Molly Hooper: Bloomberg to address House GOP

Mashable’s Geoff Livingston: Social Media: The New Battleground for Politics Control of the House of Representatives hangs in the balance of the 2010 Congressional election. A recent forecast published on The New York Times website anticipates a two-out-of-three chance for a change in power. The election has become a war, …

WOP: Bag tax generates $1.5M so far for D.C. Does this mean we’ll get streets plowed on time next year?