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Changing your car’s clock is hard, Tommy McFly 2012, cute DC pets, Mary Katharine Ham is bi-partisan, “John”, China’s Census, Gmail killer, Soros 2012, #CapFoodFight, Matt Lauer doesn’t care about Kanye West, Brazil, ask David Drucker how many Twitter followers Roll Call has,  David Gregory rocked 30 Rock, Miller’s time …

Cutest dog [FishbowlDC] Convention center [hotel] Pink Phone [rocking] End of days [chic] Cougar [Mom]

Read what Facebook’s Adam Connor calls “the greatest article ever written” New York Times Jeremy W. Peters: The Onion Strikes Comic Gold With Biden Spoofs Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. has never smashed a Whac-A-Mole game in a drunken fit. He has never invoked Freedom of Information laws to …

Adams Morganization [8th Street] Commercial flights [Speaker] Exclusive club [Lonnie]

FamousDC applauds all Marine Corps Marathon participants. But one story really stuck with us. Meet two-time Marine Corps Marathon finisher (and FamousDC fan) Fred Miller. One Step at A Time One step at a time: it’s a cliché often used to tackle complex projects and it’s also literally used to …

The latest editions to Longworth House Office Building They came for the plastic forks and we said nothing …

Yes, we realize we just wrapped up another election, but 2012 is already upon us! And we’re jumping on the Alvin Greene bandwagon early: ALVIN GREENE 2012! Is the purchase of action figures considered a campaign donation? POLITICO’s Kasie Hunt: Alvin Greene mulls presidential bid Alvin Greene might run for …

The Hill: Pelosi to throw reception to celebrate ‘accomplishments’ of Dem Congress

GOP Conference [Whip count] Cutest pets [FishbowlDC] Kardashians [Clinton] Job Resources [GOP]

ABC News Rick Klein reports: Gov. George Pataki ‘Looking at’ Run for President; Peekskill ‘Twice the Size of Wasilla’ But that ain’t the real news. Start watching about 8:22 in. Pataki finishes up talking about “stimulating the economy” and then refers to the Gentleman from Ohio as Leader Boner.

McFly 2012! @TommyMcFly Just gave two weeks at MIX 107.3 – It’s been a great 4 years!!! My next adventure starts soon, but don’t worry I’m not leaving Washington 🙂