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It is cold out there, so be sure to drive really, really slow. Lame Duck Superman: Able to jump tall buildings and push through 100 bills … in one single swoop!

SJL watches C-SPAN, more than $27,000 worth of concert tickets to the Fillmore were stolen, write it in, there are folks straight killing it, Artur Davis is taking on the establishment, Famously Facebooked made a return, the aliens are here, spelling is hard, Governor Barbour made the DC rounds, tell …

Government gals reinventing themselves to focus on creative DC weddings? Count us in. Julianne Smith and Nole Garey used to work for the Department of State & The White House. Now they’re all about fresh ideas and inspiration at United With Love. They grew tired of stuffy black suits and …

Fox News: Are Aliens Among Us? Sort of, NASA Says

Holiday Parties [Cloture Club] Hostility & hate [LeBron] Snow coming [Saturday] Every bar [DC]

Spotted by Howard Mortman from C-SPAN coverage. UPDATE (12/24/2010): According to TechPresident’s Nancy Scola, iPad’s are coming to the House floor. So, it looks like, yep, iPads are indeed coming to the floor of the House of Representatives, at least as long as the rules changes proposed by the incoming …

U.S. House Speakers’ rostrum [App for that] Justin Smith [turning heads] Hitchhiker’s Guide [censure] Finally Famous [Conyers] Fishmart [romance]

63 degrees in December and tornado warnings. Makes total sense.

Naomi Amaha Beth Brotherton Melyssa Cooke Amanda Eamich Sara Jerome Danielle Kambic Neal Kirby Tony Mishka Stephanie Ryska Erin Tario

FamousDC gets invited out a lot–Black Tie and Boots, 4th of July on Duke Cunningham’s yacht, your cousin’s roommate’s nephew’s Bar Mitzvah, tractor pulls, etc. And generally, we turn everyone down. Because we’re busy. And because we hate to change out of our sweatpants. But sometimes you gotta suit up, get out …

Megan McArdle: Night Life Clusters I’ve always been fascinated by the way businesses cluster, even retail stores.  You tend to get multiple clothing shops, home improvement stores, and so forth in a relatively small area, especially when there’s high population density–New York City has an entire area that’s just chock …

**Holiday Reception List [Cloture Club] Daily Beast vs. NY Times [Shane Harris] Thanksgiving Flashback [weLoveDC] FamousDC Interview [FishbowlDC] Lia Veenendaal-Selck [ANC Rep]

We hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving break. Chad Pergram: Lame Duck Session Takes Flight Remember how easy school was the first week back after a long break? Keach Hagey: Twitter Scooped WikiLeaks As of this writing, the WikiLeaks website is up but has yet to post any of the cables. Sunday …