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What do you see in the snow?

Please file this under headlines we’ve always wanted to write. Senator Reid & Lady Gaga.Twittering together. Only in America.

RIP Richard Holbrooke, Dear God we hate airline bag fees, change your password, congrats to the David All Group on their new office digs, Nelson Lewis is balling out of control, Congressman Conyers inspired gifts are all the rage, Jaguar set me up, Guam still hasn’t tipped over, of course …

Kim Kardashian and Doug Heye wish Joy to the World this holiday season.

Holiday Reception List [Cloture Club] Glover Park [DUI] White [Stuff] Black [oil]

This incident outside Dirksen was captured by Matthew Gagnon. Capitol Police tackle a potential Senate shooter in the snow.

FishbowlDC: House of Reps. Shuts Down Perez Hilton Human Events Senior Editor Emily Miller tipped us off that the House of Reps. blocked the Perez Hilton gossip site from its servers.

GigaOm’s Mathew Ingram: Facebook Draws a Map of the Connected World

Paul Lindsay [Comms Dir] Presidential [comments] Break Ups [increase] Hipster [McCain] St. Elmo’s [Fire] Coke [kills]

Wall Street Journal’s Zachary M. Seward and Albert Sun: The Top 50 Gawker Media Passwords 1. 123456 2. Password 3. 12345678 Guys, we have to do better than this.

Last Words: “You’ve got to stop this war in Afghanistan.”