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Spotted on Capitol Hill’s 8th Street

Welcome back. Let’s do it.

Welcome to the new year. Are you looking for some reading while you nurse that hangover? Get your Caps game face on for the Winter Classic: GQ: Ovechkin With Love His may be the perfect face of the NHL: broad, broken-toothed, misshapen by countless on-ice collisions—an affable Slavic caveman with …

Tricia Barba Jennifer Chiles James Davis Mike Garrett Shane Harris Justin Herman Jason McCool Tommy McFly Adam Roberts Nicole Siobal

Y’all be careful out there tonight. See you in 2011.

FamousDC has always been a big Mike Allen fan. We even nominated him as our Media Ticket Presidential Candidate in 2008. President – Mike Allen, Politico The hardest working media personality needs the top office.  He’s moral, honest, and trustworthy – to a fault. We need a President who will …

Ryan Grim & the Huff Post Hill team on their A-game. MURKOWSKI CERTIFIED AS WINNER OF ALASKA SENATE CONTEST – After Joe Miller had exhausted every avenue of appeal short of taking his case to Supreme Court or Texas Justice, Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell and Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell (with …

Christina Bellantoni is quickly making her mark at CQ-Roll Call. Roll Call: The 2010 Election in 120 Seconds And from Demon Sheep to a spelling bee, there were dozens of memorable ads. CQ Roll Call staffers had their favorites, and we did some crowd-sourcing to find out some of the …

There ain’t much more in this world that we enjoy more than lists – especially end of year lists containing all FamousDC folks. From Facebook to Brightest Young Things and from Wale to the  Obama White House … Meet the 35 people under 35 who changed DC in 2010. 2010 …

TBD: Betsy Rothstein’s year in Twitter battles On June 26, Betsy Rothstein published a stirring defense of media journalism. Rothstein, the editor of Fishbowl DC, a media news and gossip site, had published some of a Washington Post blogger’s e-mails to a private Listserv, and the ensuing revelation that he’d …

This seat is reserved. Only in America. Hat tip – David Almacy

From Mike Allen’s Playbook: LAST-MINUTE GIFT for anyone who saw “Waiting for ‘Superman’”: Cornerstone School (“Hope and Academic Excellent in the Nation’s Capital”) is an oasis of love and rigor in inner-city D.C., serving 220 students, almost all African-American, in pre-K3 through ninth grade. The executive director and principal is …

A Capitol Hill rock band inspired by Mariah Carey’s music? We’re in. Meet Free Lobster Buffet Q1) What gave you the idea to name your band Free Lobster Buffet? The short answer is that “Free Beer” and Bare Naked Ladies” were already taken and we needed some way to get people into a …

POLITICO’s Morning Tech by Tonny Romm, Kim Hart & Jennifer Martinez: TWITTER’S ADAM SHARP STARTS MAKING THE ROUNDS – If his tweets are any indication, Twitter’s new D.C. hire Adam Sharp (aka @AdamS) was out and about repping the San Francisco-based company around town on Tuesday. According to Sharp’s Twitter …

Don’t worry. Thanks to the Internets (and NBC Washington) you don’t have to wait another 400 years for the next one. H/T – David Almacy & Lindsay Dahl