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Washington City Paper’s Kathryn Masterson: The Mommy-Fight Site Welcome to the D.C. Urban Moms message board. And by the way, your kid’s stroller sucks.

@JoeLiberman: 23 years after I announced my candidacy to the US Senate, today I am announcing that I will not seek re-election to a fifth term.

Does this give new meaning to “writing on the bathroom wall?” Ad Age’s Ken Wheaton: Over 25% of Americans Use Facebook in the Can Wouldn’t this be the perfect opportunity for makers of hand-sanitizers to reach audiences — and guilt them. Tagline: “We know what you’re doing, you filthy thing …

Baby, it’s cold outside! I don’t know about you, but when the temperature drops below 30 and the weatherman leads us on with his snow dance, all I want is a cozy spot next, preferably by a fireplace, and a cup of Joe or hot cocoa in hand! For you …

It look’s like Sen. Brown’s daughter has gone country. The Senator revealed his daughter was moving to Nashville to work with country music producers. We’ve been following Ayla’s singing prowess for quite some time, so we’re a bit miffed she didn’t tell us the news first. That’s okay, though, we’ll …

We asked Fred Barnes about his latest piece and he gave us this quote: “Football and politics go together. In Alabama, Republicans win the statehouse and Auburn wins the football championship — a perfect fit.” And now, as only Mr. Barnes can do … First and Goal for the GOP: …

We hope that most of you are still enjoying the three day weekend.

Wall Street Street Journal’s Elizabeth Williamson: Last Call at a D.C. Power Lounge One reason is Sambonn “Sam” Lek, head bartender since the Carter administration, who has kept Washington’s boozy secrets on the 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. shift. He can tell Republicans from Democrats by their drink orders (Republicans …

ESPN discovered that Alex Ovechkin is a Russian spy, EMRC predicts that smart phones are the new credit card, Lindsey Mask continues to  crush the social scene, Rochelle Behrens is Oprah famous,  Cam Newton and the Auburn Tigers are national champions,  pants are optional on the Metro, Congressional staff observed …

As obtained by CBS’ Mark Knoller Dem, GOP, Dem, GOP, GOP, Dem, GOP, GOP, Dem, GOP, GOP, Dem, GOP, GOP, Dem, GOP, GOP, Dem, GOP, GOP, Dem, GOP, GOP, Dem, GOP, GOP, Dem, GOP, GOP, Dem, GOP, GOP, Dem, GOP, GOP, Dem, GOP, GOP, Dem, GOP, GOP, Dem, GOP, GOP, …

Is this Alex Ovechkin commercial the best ESPN one ever? C-A-P-S!

BREAKING:Dorgan to write script for new Bond movie We’re kidding. Sort of. After Senate, Dorgan working on 2 ‘eco-thriller’ novels Dorgan said he’s writing the two books with another writer, whom he declined to name. He said the first book should be published at the end of this year. Dorgan …

Does Chris Frates have the best job in DC? Frates: National Football League union wants Congress to referee As the specter of a year without pro football looms, the National Football League Players Association is taking its case to the halls of Congress — mounting an aggressive lobbying and public …