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If you have a chance today tell Shea Loper congratulations on his 30 (!) revolutions around the sun.  The Energy Policy Advisor for Senator Barrasso celebrated on Saturday at Blue Duck Tavern but has chosen Good Stuff cheeseburgers for his actual day of birth meal. (birthday meal h/t Mike Allen) …

Looking for something to do Wednesday night? Stop by the W Hotel for a few cocktails from 6 – 8 p.m. to raise money for the Humane Society. And  be sure to tell Mia “Misdemeanor” Washington that FamousDC said hello. If you can’t pick her out, she’s a red and …

Eddie Scarry and his friend Janet picked different teams in the Super Bowl:

Remember to smile!

Secretary Ray Lahood is already on the task. Coming next week: Executive Order – Federal Leadership on Reducing Talking Facebook Cars

Not everyone was on board with the ad:

WaPo’s Ann Scott Tyson:  MetroAccess fares to increase Feb. 27 Nearly 30,000 disabled Washington area residents will face significantly higher fares starting this month on the MetroAccess paratransit service – a cause of concern among advocates for the disabled.

How DC handles snow, Egypt, long bathroom visits, give Doug Andres a high-five for his new communications job with the House Rules Committee, Jeff Larson takes the reigns at the RNC, fake Metro ads, David Almacy is a genius, Erika Masonhall is heading to NBC in NYC, life is precious, …

What is about to rock DC on March 3rd at the 9:30 Club will seriously blow your mind; try getting that with your PlayStation®! Camp Freddy, dubbed “the Future of Rock n’ Roll” by Rolling Stone Magazine, will be pumping out tunes after tunes of all-time greatest rock hits.  Partnering …

An image of the Washington Monument from the Lincoln Memorial at sunrise. For more check out her blog or follow her on twitter: @abpanphoto